

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/04)

2019年03月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
23086.in the first place(そもそも) used to talk about the beginning of a situation, or the situation before something happened
It was your ideas to hold conference in the first place.
23087.hang on minute(ちょっと待って)used to tell someone you want them to wait for a short time while you do or say something else
We're a bit busy at the moment - can you hang on a minute?
23088.once and for all(きっぱりと / これっきり) if you deal with something once and for all, you deal with it completely and finally
I'm going to give up on fast-food once and for all.
22089.effortlessly(楽々と)something that is effortless is done in a very skilful way that makes it seem easy
How effortlessly he swings.
23090.deserve to(~の価値がある) to have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour
He deserves to to be champion.

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