

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/21)

2019年03月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
23166.inquiry(質問、問い合わせ、照会、調査、取り調べ、審理、研究、探究) a question you ask in order to get information
We’re getting a lot of inquiries about our new London
23167.plan to(の予定です)
When do you plan to go back to your country?
23168.I have never thought(わたしは~なんて思ってもみなかった)
I have never thought about bringing special soup over.
22169.forgetful(忘れっぽい)often forgetting things
I'm forgetful.I remember now.
23170.sales visit(営業訪問)
Could you please tell me your sales visit for today.

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