

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/11)

2019年03月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
23121.a bunch of(たくさんの・かなりの数の)
I picked up a bunch of fruits from the grocery store.
23122.a ton of(たくさんの・大量の)
She makes a ton of money online.
23123.plenty of(十分な・たっぷりな・潤沢な)a large quantity that is enough or more than enough
Make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you get better soon.
22124.dozens of(数十個の・数十人の)in someone else’s situation, especially a bad one
There were dozens of students who didn't receive the email.
23125.Are you with me?(私の言っていること分かりますか?)
I've covered a lot so far. Are you still with me?

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