

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/15)

2019年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
23141.penthouse a very expensive and comfortable apartment or set of rooms on the top floor of a building
One of my older sisters used to live in a penthouse apartment in Santa Monica.
23142.Forget something(忘れ物をする)
I've got to run back into the house, I forgot something.
23143.Leave something somewhere(忘れ物をする)
Do you guys mind if we go back to the hotel? I left my wallet in the room.
22144.take over(引き継ぐ、引き取る、(…を)接収する、(…を)持っていく)to take control of something
Then, could my company take over the management of the ryokan?
23145.sacred(神聖な、神の使いの、神聖視された) very important or greatly respected
Torii are the symbols of shrines and mark the boundary between the everyday world and the sacred realm of the gods.

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