

Daily Vocabulary(2024/07/28)

2024年07月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32666.sget ready for (~の準備をする)
I'm getting ready for bed here..
32667.intimate(親密な、細部まで詳しい) having an extremely close friendship 
Their relationship became intimate after working together on a movie. 
 Our relationship has been frosty ever since we had a big fight.
32669.puberty  (思春期、年ごろ )the stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult and are able to have children 
 As soon as my daughter hit puberty、she started spending more time in her room.

ious (反抗的な、従順でない) deliberately not obeying people in authority or rules of behaviour 
Puberty is when a lot of kids go into a rebellious phrase .