

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/21)

2022年03月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
28391.solidarity(結束、一致、団結、連帯)loyalty and general agreement between all the people in a group, or between different groups, because they all have a shared aim
To win the battle against climate change, we need solidarity
Sometimes, you just have to tip your cap to the other team. 
28393.selective(好みがうるさい) careful about what you choose to do, buy, allow etc → non-selective
Cats are often selective about the brand of food they eat. 
28394.stroll(散策)to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way 
Let's take a stroll aroundthe neighborhood this morning. 
28395.brisk(活発な、元気のよい、きびきびした、(商売)繁盛の、爽快な )quick and full of energy/quick, practical, and showing that you want to get things done quickly
After a brisk walk through the Park, I felt a lot better.