

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/18)

2022年03月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
28376.omit(省略する) to not include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget to do it 類義語 leave out
Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem. 
That would save effort, time and money. 
28378.clumsy(不器用な、下手な、ぎこちない、動きの鈍い)moving or doing things in a careless way, especially so that you drop things, knock into things etc
You're so clumsy! I'll bring a kitchen towel right now. 
28379.Don't lag!(ぐずぐずしないでね)
Make sure you finish this report by next week. Don't lag on it and do it right away. 
28380.Don't put it off(先延ばししないように)
I know you still have a month but don't put it off.