10月3日のThe Japan Timesに次のようなHead Lineがありました。 [Egymt military proposes exit schedule]。 独裁政権を維持してきたムバラクを政権から追いやったのですが、現在は軍部がその実権を握っていてなかなか民主化への道が険しいエジプトですが、軍がexit scheduleを示したという記事です。
During the meeting, Ann agreed a caluse in a new parliamentary election law that widely criticized. The article had denied political parties the right to nominate candidates for a third of the nearly 500 seats. Critics said it was a green light for former members of the now disbanded ruling party to run as independents and snap up a Parliament bloc.
赤線の部分は v n n の形です。 辞書を調べてみると:
If you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it.