


2011-07-05 09:55:39 | 英語

IMF総裁Strauss-Kahnがこともあろうに婦女暴行の疑いで逮捕されIMF総裁の職を解かれました しかしその後の調べで被害者であるホテルのメイドの主張に疑問がもたれ、またこのメイドが種々の疑惑があった事が判明しました。 Strauss-Kahnは一旦保釈金を払い自宅監禁と言う状況におかれています。  その記事の抜粋:

Strauss-Kahn had posted $1miliion bail and a $5million bond when he was released in May and agreed to remain under house arrest with the ankle monitor.

ここでankle monitorとは(Wikipedeaより):

An ankle monitor (commonly called a tether) is a device that individuals under house arrest are often required to wear. At timed intervals, the ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver. If an offender moves outside of an allowed range, the police will be notified. Ankle monitors are designed to be tamper-resistant and can often alert police to tampering attempts.