

「You raise me up」(2) - Secret Garden

2005年12月23日 | ♪海外 -グループ
「You raise me up」について書いた途端、SecretGardenのメーリングリストから 久々にメールが来ました。この曲、既に128バージョンもあるそうです!!!更に今年のノーベル賞でwestlifeと一緒にパフォーマンスしたそうです。きっと日本でもNHKで放送されるような気がいたします。そのWestlifeバージョンは今チャートの一位で、'Record of the Year' をイギリスで獲得したそうな・・・。素晴らしい!


We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a great Christmas & Holiday Season and thank you for all your support throughout the past year.

This has been a very special year for us - celebrating our 10th anniversary. From that first performance of "Nocturne" in the Eurovision song contest in 1995 until now it's been an amazing and adventurous journey for us. Through our concerts this year we have remembered some of the special musical moments of the past decade and enjoyed sharing the story with our audiences. Without you, our ever loyal and growing audience this would not have been possible. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for listening to our music and supporting us by the great turn out this year.

We were delighted to be able to bring the music to some of the more remote places in Norway - Towns and communities too small to take our normal full 14-people traveling tour group. But, because we rearranged the program for quartet we were able to do 34 concerts in smaller places in Norway. We would like to thank our Norwegian fans for making us feel so welcome and appreciated. We also got an opportunity to meet and talk with a lot of you after the concerts where you kindly shared some of your experiences with us. This means a lot to us and makes us believe in the importance of music and communication.

We also got a chance to visit Australia again this year - our second tour down under in two years. We love the hospitatlity there coupled with the generous crowds of people who always come to our concerts. Hope to be back soon to visit with our newly made Australian friends.

Our intimate 5 city concert tour of the US in May was very special. Many of you have written to us from the States asking when we'll come to your parts of the country. All we can say is that we hope we will continue our visits and there are some ongoing discussions now regarding a tour in the fall of '06.

One of our most faithful audience are the Korean fan base. We went back to Korea for the 10th time this autumn and performed 4 concerts. We realized that Seoul is the city where Secret Garden has performed most concerts in the world !- probably around 20 concerts during these 10 years. That's quite something considering we come from Norway and Ireland, so needless to say we are so grateful to our very loyal Korean friends and also thankful to our promoter there Mr. Lee from Vincero. We hope our annual tradition of concerts in Korea and many other parts of Asia will continue. We are are already planning a new follow-up tour of China after last year's 7-week-tour - hopefully in May.

In August we did a very special concert in the Christ Church cathedral in Dublin. As we speak, we hope to do a tour of Ireland this spring as well as a slight possibility of touring England again later in the year.

One thing that has meant something special to us this year is of many devoted friends who would travel to our concerts almost anywhere in the world. Weエve met people from South America flying in to concerts in the states. People from Brazil, Hongkong, Austria and England coming to see us in Norway - We want to thank all of you for your unbelievable devotion. What a great compliment you give us by coming so far.

Finally, I want to thank you for the many fantastic letters you write. Some of them joyful some of them highly personal. I answer all of you personally - even if touring and production sometimes makes it hard to answer in time. Thanks for the many lovely and special letters we've received during this year. Please continue to write - it's very inspiring for us and also quite important to get your feedback.

The success of "You Raise Me Up" continues to grow. The song has been performed an unbelievable amount of 660,000 times on American radio only last year. The list of different artists and recordings just continue to grow. There are 128 different recordings of the song now. It was a special moment for us when the Irish pop-group Westlife brought the song to no, 1 in the English and the Irish charts recently, and also when their version of it won the prestigious 'Record of the Year' in the UK. We met the boys the same weekend and performed "You Raise Me Up" with them at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo - an event that will be televised to most of the world soon. A special documentary of the You Raise Me Up story will be aired on Irish TV the RTE 1 chanel at 4.15 on New Years Day.

Finally to celebrate our 10th anniversary we are working on plans for a new record for next year. If everything works out we will start to record a special anniversary album in the summer. It will be a different album where we want to invite some of our favorite singers to join us in vocal interpretations of our music. We have started some demos and ideas and so far it looks like it will be an exciting project.

We look forward to 2006 and we sincerely hope we will meet you somewhere sometime during the many exciting concert tours we hope will happen. For now we wish you a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Fionnuala & Rolf
