
綾瀬市会議員 上田博之(日本共産党)です。


2017年01月20日 | 平和○・憲法○・米軍基地×















Duterte: I rejected Japan missile offer

Philippine Star
By Christina Mendez
Philippine StarJanuary 15, 2017


President Duterte has declined an offer by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to provide missiles to the Philippines, saying he does not want to see a Third World War.

 Speaking at the 49th annual installation of trustees and officers of the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Marco Polo Hotel in Davao, Duterte revealed the offer last night following Abe’s visit to Davao City on Friday.

“If we start a third world war, that would be the end (of the world),” he said.

“Actually, I told (Prime Minister) Abe, I don’t need missiles,” he said, noting that even leaders of the United States and Russia seem to be coming on good terms.

“If you just see now, Putin is conciliatory and now Trump (is reaching out to the world), “ Duterte said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin and incoming US President Donald Trump.

Japan’s offer came after Russia initiated an offer to provide the Philippines with submarines but Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the country couldn’t afford it.

With this, Duterte reiterated his intent to stop the country from having foreign military alliances with any country.

“I want the country free of foreign soldiers. Ayoko… sibat na kayo. (I don’t like it.. they have to go). We are good now, ” he said. 

Duterte had earlier said he wanted the last American soldier to pack up and leave as a result of his anger against the US for allegedly meddling in the campaign against illegal drugs.

The President, however, has allowed the defense department to pursue exercises as long as the naval exercise will not be near or within the South China Sea.

Earlier, Japan Foreign Press Secretray Tasuhisa Kawamura said his country is keen on participating in the Balikatan exercises between the US and the Philippines.

On martial law

Meanwhile, Duterte blasted  crafters of the 1987 Constitution for making it hard for the next president to declare martial law since the latter needs to report to Congress, and that any act can still be questioned before the Supreme Court.  

Such instances would lead to the clash between the three branches of government, he said.

He called as “bull sh*t” insinuations that he would declare martial rule in a bid to extend his stay in office.

He, however, said if he has to declare martial law, it would be to preserve the nation.

Narco mayors

During the event, Duterte also expressed how he hates drugs, criticizing anew Cebu, Daanbantayan Mayor Vicente Loot whom he has called a narco-mayor.

He threatened to kill narco mayors if they would pursue their illegal drugs operations.

 “I really told them, pardon my language, son of a b***h,” Duterte said as he showed the drug battle list to Davao-based businessmen.

“Drop your guns if you’re a terrorist. Drop shabu tonight and tomorrow it will be heaven,” he said.

 On the local front, Duterte said he is ready to talk to his Moro brothers for peace.


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