


2011-07-28 10:59:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe's hot summer as Italy and Cyprus join sick list
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:19PM BST 27 Jul 2011
Fears of recession in Italy and the Germans' reluctance to back the EU's bail-out fund with real muscle have set off fresh eurozone tremors, pushing yields on Southern European bonds back to levels seen before last week's emergency summit.


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News that Moody's had downgraded Cyprus two notches from A2 to Baa1 due to "fractious politics" and exposure to Greece compounded fears Europe's crisis is far from resolved.


The darkening picture in Cyprus raises concerns that a fourth eurozone country might soon need some sort of rescue, exhausting bail-out tolerance in Germany, Holland, Finland and Slovakia, where a wing of the coalition has denounced the EU accord.


"The markets have started to see all the flaws in the summit deal," said David Owen, of Jefferies Fixed Income. "They know there has been no increase in the size of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and that it will not be any position to intervene in the Spanish and Italian markets for quite some time because the changes have to be ratified by all parliaments."


"Unless the European Central Bank (ECB) steps in to buy bonds, this is going to be tested by markets over the summer. EU leaders have sent absolutely the wrong signal by thinking they have done the job and can now go on holiday," he added.


Yields on Italian 10-year bonds spiked to 5.8pc on Wednesday while Spanish yields punched through 6pc once again. Analysts remain perplexed by the decision of Italy's treasury to cancel bond auctions in mid August due to lack of liquidity and "reduced financing needs". Italy was expected to raise €68bn (£60bn) in August and September.


German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble has told key Christian Democrats that there will be no "blank cheque" for EFSF operations, and cautioned against thinking "the crisis of trust in the euro area can be conclusively ended by a single summit". Investors suspect Germany is again talking with a forked tongue, promising one thing in Brussels and another at home.


The revamped EFSF can lend €440bn, but a chunk is already needed for Portugal, Ireland and a second Greek rescue. City economists say the fund needs €2 trillion to quell doubts.


Professor Nouriel Roubini from New York University said the EFSF package does not go to the heart of the problem. "For over a decade the peripheral states have lost competitiveness against China, Asia, Turkey and East Europe. Their products are labour-intensive and generate little added value. The sharp rise in the euro has ruined the competitiveness of these products. That is the nail in the coffin."


Italian bank stocks fell sharply in Milan as the mood soured, with Intesa down 5pc and Unicredit off 4pc. Deutsche Bank said it had cut its exposure to Italian debt from €8bn to €1bn since the end of last year, mostly by purchasing credit default swaps (CDS). The Deutsche revelations suggest Europe's banks have been the main buyers of Italian CDS for hedging purposes, rather speculators as claimed by Italian leaders.


The economic outlook continues to darken in Italy. The manufacturing index fell for a fourth month in July, dipping below the contraction line of 100. Italy's business lobby Confindustria said growth would be "almost nil" this quarter, adding the ECB's rate rises have become "an obstacle for recovery and deepened problems for debtors". The group's leader Emma Marcegalgia said Italy's political system was unravelling, leaving industry to its fate.


Michael Gavin from Barclays Capital said the EU authorities had themselves triggered the debt crisis in Italy by demanding banks and creditors share the pain in Greece, a shift in strategy that caused investors to re-examine other countries. The financial support apparatus became a "default machine" instead, raising fears Italy could be drawn into a "downward spiral".


Mr Gavin said Italy's current account deficit has been slowly deteriorating for 15 years and is now 3.5pc of GDP, despite the compression of internal demand. Net foreign liabilities have reached 26pc of GDP. "The markets appear to be reserving judgment, so are we," he said.


Jens Larsen, chief economist at RBC, said Italy's debt has a relatively long maturity at 6.8 years, giving it a cushion of security for now. "This is not an immediate and present danger."


The trouble in Cyprus is an unsettling development. The island has suffered much the same loss of competitiveness as Greece within EMU, with a current account deficit peaking at 17pc of GDP in 2008. While debt below 70pc is manageable, growth has slumped to zero and the budget deficit may top 7pc this year. The economy was already struggling before an explosion knocked out the main power station at Vasikilos.


Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund warned that France is "highly vulnerable to growth spillovers from a shock in Spain, while spillover effects from Italy are also large". The IMF said France had the highest debt to GDP ratio of any AAA state this year at 85pc, just above Britain, and would need to tighten fiscal policy further to meet its target of 3pc deficit by 2013.



