


2012-07-13 09:07:01 | Telegraph (UK)
Governor neatly sums up our crisis of confidence halting UK growth
By Damian Reece
Telegraph: 8:52PM BST 11 Jul 2012
Sir Mervyn King has so far avoided becoming directly embroiled in the Libor scandal but will give evidence to MPs on the Treasury select committee next week.


In the meantime, however, he has provided a useful explanation of why the UK isn’t growing. On Tuesday’s World at One he debunked some of the more extreme myths pedalled by the likes of Vince Cable – that our woes are largely down to banks and a policy of refusing to lend to small businesses.

火曜日に放送されたWorld at Oneでは、ヴィンス・ケーブル議員のような人々が触れ回るより極端な神話の一部(我々が苦しいのは主に銀行と中小企業への貸し渋り方針のせい)の嘘を暴いてくれました。

As Sir Mervyn said, the root cause is Europe (the italics are mine). “There is a great black cloud of uncertainty hanging over businesses all around the world and the result is, until they know how this situation is going to be resolved they’re holding back from investment and spending.”


In other words, this is not a crisis of bank lending firstly, it’s a crisis of confidence halting demand.


Sir Mervyn continued: “Demand for British exports from the euro area has started to fall back. Our banks do have exposures to the periphery countries in the euro area and if there were a serious problem in those countries then our banks would suffer a loss that would hit their capital position and that makes people who lend to banks somewhat more cautious about doing it except at higher interest rates and these interest rates get passed on to borrowers in this country. So that’s why interest rates to businesses and mortgage lending have risen in the last six to 12 months.


Sir Mervyn spoke eloquently on the need to separate retail from investment banking, which is fine but won’t increase lending.


But on the banks making more loans he said: “Lending to businesses has been falling right through the period since the crisis started and that is a major problem.


“That’s why we will be announcing the details of our funds for lending scheme which will make funding available to banks for four years.”


This is good news. Such cheaper wholesale money will fund cheaper commercial lending.


But the scheme, and a related relaxation of liquidity rules, is a significant U-turn of Bank regulations which had forced lenders to hoard cash unnecessarily, choking off credit. But all this may still be too late to reverse the crisis of confidence the Governor alluded to. You can have all the cheap money in the world but if there’s no demand for it if the exercise is academic.



