


2013-08-12 19:34:25 | Telegraph (UK)
Mystery of Cambridge mother and her link to Bo Xilai and the poisoned Briton
Tom Phillips in Shanghai and Jasper Copping
Telegraph: 7:30AM BST 11 Aug 2013
A villa run by a Chinese expat could be the unlikely key piece of evidence in the trial of a powerful Communist politician whose Old Harrovian business associate was murdered, writes Tom Phillips in Shanghai and Jasper Copping.


She is a working mother from Cambridge who regularly updates her blog with family news and holiday pictures for her relations and friends in China.


With a husband who works for the NHS and young twins, Feng Jiang Dolby is an unlikely person to figure in an international murder mystery.


But last week Mrs Dolby found herself dragged into an investigation prompted by the death of a British man in China, which has already led to the fall of one of the Communist country's most powerful figures amid allegations of corruption and money-laundering at the heart of the establishment.


Mrs Dolby was named in official documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal as the "manager" of a villa in the south of France that is expected to be one of the key pieces of evidence at the trial of Bo Xilai, once tipped to join China's politburo, and now facing accusations of graft on a massive scale.


The villa, worth £2.5million, was previously run by Neil Heywood, the Old Harrovian who had been a friend of the Bo family.


His death in November 2011 prompted a slow-burning crisis that has cost Mr Bo, the scion of a Communist dynasty, his career and put his wife in prison for life.


Mr Heywood was murdered, apparently by poison, in a hotel in Chongqing, the city where Mr Bo was party chief. Mr Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, was found guilty of his murder in August 2012, and received a suspended death sentence.


Later this year Mr Bo is expected to go on trial for corruption.


Until last week Mrs Dolby had played no public part in the saga, and when her name surfaced she was referred to only as a television reporter.


However, inquiries by The Telegraph have found that she and her husband, Richard, are millionaires who, over the past few years, have assembled a handsome property portfolio in south-east England.


They own two homes in the south London suburb of Purley; one is a detached property in a private road, with five bedrooms and an indoor pool, which Mrs Dolby bought for £3.25million in February 2011, without a mortgage.


The other, a detached four-bedroom house, was bought by the couple a year earlier for £1million, with the assistance of a mortgage.


They are also understood to own a number of rental properties, including at least two in Cambridge, and Mrs Dolby's company, Harvest Investing, had more than £1 million in unspecified assets in its last accounts.


There is no question of wrongdoing, and Mr Dolby remains employed by the NHS, specialising in reorganising laboratory services, but the acquisition of such wealth abroad will raise eyebrows in China, where Mrs Dolby is still a well-known figure thanks to her television career.


Intriguingly, our inquiries also found that Mrs Dolby appears to be close to figures at the heart of the Communist regime's inner circles.


She was close enough to Mr Bo to visit his son, Guagua, while he was at school at Harrow.


She also ran a company that was apparently involved in bringing the children of wealthy Chinese couples to leading British and American schools and universities.


Her name emerged in the Bo Xilai saga because she is "manager" of the six-bedroom, £2.25million Villa Fontaine Saint Georges, in Cannes.


The house will be a key part of evidence at Mr Bo's trial, when prosecutors are expected to allege that it was given to him as a bribe by Xu Ming, a billionaire who was detained early last year because of his connections to Mr Bo and who ― we will see ― is also connected to Mrs Dolby.


Previously the "manager" was Mr Heywood, and before him, Patrick Devillers, a French architect who has also been a key part of the Heywood murder mystery.

前「マネジャー」は故ヘイウッド氏であり、その前任者はフランス人建築家で、同じくヘイウッド殺人事件で重要人物のPatrick Devillers氏でした。

Mrs Dolby is a British citizen who has lived here since 2001, but she appears linked to the complicated world of Chinese Communist politics.


Mrs Dolby ― or Jiang Feng as she is still known in her native country ― was born and raised in the city of Fushun in the north-eastern province of Liaoning.


It is not clear whether her apparent ties to the Bo family stretch back that far but it was in Liaoning that Mr Bo's political career began, first as mayor of Dalian from 1992 until 2000, and then as provincial governor until 2004.


In 1991 Miss Jiang, a graduate, enrolled for a master's degree in "Western aesthetics" at the prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai, where she met a man regarded as one of China's most powerful political players.


She was one of four students selected for an international debating competition in Singapore and trained by Wang Huning, then a young university professor and now at the very heart of Chinese politics. Mr Wang is now a member of the all-powerful 25-member politburo.


There is no suggestion that Mrs Dolby and Mr Wang were close or stayed in touch but Mrs Dolby appears to have been highly taken with her former debating coach, now one of China's most influential political minds.


"I had never expected that one day I would become a weak soldier under this strong general," she wrote in an essay posted online and in which she describes Mr Wang as "a person with exceptional wisdom, thoughts [and] talents".


Success as a university debater helped her launch a successful media career with the state-run television broadcaster CCTV, becoming a well-known presenter hosting a variety show and then a ­programme called "Cultural Viewpoint".

大学生論客としての成功は、彼女が国営テレビCCTVで素晴らしいメディアでのキャリアを歩み始めるのを助け、彼女は様々なバラエティー番組の有名司会者になり、その後は『Cultural Viewpoint(文化的視点)』という番組の司会者を務めました。

In 2001, for reasons that remain unclear, Miss Jiang moved to Britain. It seems that here, her life changed.


According to one of her blogs, she met Bo Guagua at Harrow in 2003, where he was a pupil.


"I paid my first visit to Harrow shortly after I came to the UK accompanying [a] friend to see Bo Guagua there, who was a young teenager at the time," she wrote.


In 2003, Miss Jiang enrolled for a PhD at Girton College, Cambridge and, a year later, in Cambridge, married Mr Dolby, a former land surveyor who had retrained as a management accountant.


Mr Dolby was working in finance for Siemens, the engineering giant, as well as running a small company, Synergy Decisions, which was registered at his parents' home in Brentwood.


Earlier he had sold the modest flat he shared in Guildford with a former girlfriend.


His company was intended to invest in property but its accounts suggest it had been having little success: in 2003 its turnover was £47,000, with profits of £19,508. In February 2007, Mrs Dolby gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.


By late 2008 she had completed her thesis ― "Docu-realism in Contemporary Chinese film" ― and received her PhD, returning to occasional broadcasting for CCTV, as well as apparently writing novels in Chinese.


In 2010, her career took a new direction: she founded a company called "Dolby Education", putting her occupation as "management consultant" and making her husband company secretary.


According to a profile by China's official news agency, Xinhua, it was an ambitious venture, with branches in several Chinese cities, including Chongqing.


It described itself as a firm that could arrange placements for Chinese students in leading US and UK schools and universities ― something that successful Chinese businessmen and elite Communists want for their children.


There are strong indications that Mrs Dolby's company was connected to Xu Ming.


In May 2011, the official website of Dalian Shide ­Football Club, owned by Mr Xu's Dalian Shide Group, said "its subsidiary, Dolby Education Group, has chosen 200 excellent students in Dalian this year to take part in ­summer camp activities in the UK".


An advertisement on a Chinese website calling for applications for the position of "consultant" at Dolby Education appears to have been placed by Dalian Shide.


The exact nature of Mrs Dolby's links to Bo Xilai and Xu Ming remains ― like much in Communist China ― unclear.


But by May 2011, she had apparently agreed to take over the management of the villa in Cannes and was there during that year's film festival, writing on her blog of eating at "gourmet restaurants" and saying there would be more "holidays" in future.


Her husband's business has not enjoyed the same success. Now called Twinspire Limited, it made a £12,000 profit last year.


Mr Dolby describes himself as its "principal consultant", and lists its activities as complex commercial projects, mergers and acquisitions, and "acquiring prime Victorian properties in university cities and converting them to high- quality student accommodation".


Mrs Dolby has kept a low profile since she was linked to Mr Bo's trial.


Mr Dolby said: "I have got nothing to do with the case. I've got no comment."


He said he was also responding on behalf of his wife. She could not be reached for comment.


One friend in China said Mrs Dolby had told them she was in Beijing "about two weeks ago", although it is not clear if she was there on ­personal business or because Chinese authorities had asked to question her about her apparent links to Mr Bo.


In a post on her Chinese microblog ― on which she uses the alias "Dizhou" or "Landlord" ― she left a cryptic message: "No need to think dirty about the relations between people.


"There are indeed many dark sides in the world, but fortunately, [the] landlord has encountered only the bright sides so far."


The machinations of Communist China are opaque, but Mr Bo's trial is shedding light in interesting places: Mrs Dolby can hardly have expected her everyday life in England would be among them.



