


2013-03-27 11:49:57 | Telegraph (UK)
Russia's Putin in surprise support for Cyprus bailout
By Tom Parfitt, in Moscow, and agencies
Telegraph: 5:01PM GMT 25 Mar 2013
President Vladimir Putin of Russia backed the EU's bailout of Cyprus on Monday, even as his prime minister issued a sharp criticism of the deal saying a haircut on deposits was "the stealing of what has already been stolen".


In what seemed a climbdown from earlier criticism, Mr Putin expressed support for the €10bn EU-IMF rescue deal, despite the heavy blow it will deal Russian businesses on the Mediterranean island.


The Russian president also approved the restructuring of an existing €2.5bn Russian loan to Cyprus to extend its payback deadline beyond 2016.


His spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said: "Considering the decisions adopted by the Eurogroup, Putin considers it possible to support the efforts of the president of Cyprus and the European Commission aimed at overcoming the crisis in the banking system of this island state."


That was a surprisingly muted response as analysts' predicted the discount on deposits of more than €100,000 demanded by the deal could punish Russians – who have an estimated total of €24bn in corporate and private accounts – hardest of all. Last week Mr Putin referred to an earlier plan to levy a tax on depositors as "unjust,unprofessional and dangerous".


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in a meeting with his deputies near Moscow there was a need to "understand what this story turns into in the long run, what the consequences for the international financial and monetary system will be - and thus, for our own interests as well."


Also, in reference to Cyprus, Mr Medvedev said: "The stealing of the stolen is continuing there, I think" - a sharp reference to a comment made by Vladimir Lenin after the 1917 revolution in order to condone Bolshevik expropriation of "capitalist" property.


Igor Shuvalov, a deputy prime minister, tried to put a positive spin on the deal, suggesting it would encourage Russian business to bring money home from offshore zones.


"What is happening is a good signal to those who are ready to return their money under Russian jurisdiction, into Russian banks," he said. "We have very stable banks."


Mr Shuvalov said the timescale of the €2.5bn loan rescheduling would be decided once the full details of the bailout had emerged, adding that "at present, the situation looks like no further help (for Cyprus) from the Russian government will be required."


Russian equities climbed the most in two weeks, Bloomberg reported, as Cyprus agreed on the financial rescue package, calming nerves and boosting crude oil, Russia's main export earner.


Analysts have said the impact of the bailout will be minimal on the Russian economy if Cyprus does not introduce capital controls restricting the flow of funds out of its banks.



