


2015-04-20 21:26:38 | Telegraph (UK)
Gilts strike as foreigners shun UK on gridlock fears
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:30PM BST 09 Apr 2015
The worry is that the latest gilts strike by foreigners may be part of longer term 're-rating' of the UK economy

直近の外国人による英国債ストライキ は英国経済の長期的「再評価」の一環って可能性が心配なのだ。

Foreign investors are slashing holdings of British gilts at a record pace on concerns over electoral gridlock and the long-term stability of sterling.


Data from the Debt Management Office show that non-residents sold a net £14bn of gilts over the two months of January and February, an even bigger sell-off than during the white heat of the financial crisis in early 2009.


The bid-to-cover ratio at gilt auctions has been slipping relentlessly across all maturities for the past nine months, dropping to a six-year low of 1.19 at a sale of five-year debt on Wednesday.


"The data suggest some kind of buyers' strike," said Andy Chaytor, head of European interest rates strategy at Nomura. "This is entirely consistent with the idea that non-residents may wish to reduce gilt holdings in the face of a very uncertain election."

「このデータからはバイヤーのストライキっぽいもんが見えるなあ」と野村證券の欧州金利戦略ヘッド、Andy Chaytor氏。

Nomura said the big Japanese investors appear to be shunning UK debt, opting for US Treasuries and Australian bonds. Quantitative easing in the eurozone has yet to produce the expected leakage into gilts. The money is flowing out of Europe and into the US or Asian debt markets instead.


The Bank of England has until recently been the buyer-of last resort for gilts, mopping up £375bn of bonds from 2009 to 2012 under quantitative easing. At one stage it was covering almost the entire fiscal deficit. The QE effect shielded the gilts market from a possible storm before the 2010 election.


This time British debt is more exposed to market forces, although there is no sign yet that domestic investors are stepping back. Yields on 10-year bonds have nudged up to 1.55pc from 1.33pc in January but are still near historic lows.


The worry is that the latest gilts strike by foreigners may be part of longer term "re-rating" of the UK economy, either on fears of a fragmented political system as insurgent parties take 25pc of the vote, or because overseas investors are starting to question country's chronic current account deficit and its failure to boost manufacturing.


The UK deficit in goods and services surged to £2.9bn in February, dashing hopes of a long-awaited improvement after better data in January. The cumulative deficit for the past three months is a record £21.1bn. "Unless we see firm action to improve our export performance, it is not clear how we will sustain strong growth in the long-term," said the British Chambers of Commerce.


The current account deficit reached 5.5pc of GDP last year and may soon be flirting with 6pc, the worst in Britain's peacetime history. The official line is that this is chiefly an anomaly caused by short-term distortions in investment income, but foreign investors are growing wary of this benign story.


Inflows of capital have disguised the erosion but the underlying reality is that Britain is borrowing heavily abroad to live beyond its means. This could end badly if the funds dry up suddenly.


Simon Peck, a rates strategist at RBS, advised clients to "short" sterling on the grounds that any government likely to emerge from the electoral chaos may be too weak to restore order to public finances. "Fiscal consolidation is unlikely to be implemented as currently planned by either a weak (minority) government or one formed from left-of-centre parties for their support. Fiscal slippage means more gilts," he said.


The bank recommended selling gilts and buying "put options" on sterling that expire in June, with a strike price as low as $1.35 against the US dollar. The pound is currently trading at $1.48.


The great unknown is whether Britain will continue to attract large inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) given the looming prospect of a referendum on EU membership. FDI inflows reached 2.5pc of GDP in 2013. American and Asian companies have tended to use the UK as an offshore aircraft carrier, giving them unrestricted access into the EU's huge market.


"We think the risk of Brexit is material, and would have a negative impact on FDI flows until the referendum in 2017," said Jacob Nell, an analyst at Morgan Stanley.


Foreigners own £400bn of UK government debt, or 24.7pc of the total gilts market. There is little danger of a debt crisis akin to those seen in the eurozone, where countries in distress can no longer print money or devalue their way out of trouble, and no longer have their own sovereign lender-of-resort.


The average maturity of UK debt is 18 years, by far the highest in the OECD club. This creates a formidable buffer. It is the exchange rate that will take the strain if there is a major pull-back by foreigners.


"We see the pound as the asset most likely to be impacted by political uncertainty, slower growth from a return to austerity and deterioration in the policy environment. We see little risk of a wholesale loss of confidence in the UK's institutional political framework," said Mr Nell.


Morgan Stanley expects the pound to fall to $1.38 by the end of the year, with a "bear case scenario" of $1.25. This would be the lowest since the dark days of sterling in 1985, when the Sultan of Brunei allegedly used his oil fortune to avert an embarrassing collapse towards dollar parity as a political favour for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.



