


2012-02-10 16:55:32 | Telegraph (UK)
Greek death spiral accelerates
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: February 9th, 2012
Another normal day at the Hellenic Statistical Authority.


We learn that:

Greece's manufacturing output contracted by 15.5pc in December from a year earlier.


Industrial output fell 11.3pc, compared to minus 7.8pc in November.


Unemployment jumped to 20.9pc in November, up from 18.2pc a month earlier.

I have little further to add. This is what a death spiral looks like.


It is what can happen if you join a fixed exchange system, then take out very large debts in what amounts to a foreign currency, and then have simultaneous monetary and fiscal contraction imposed upon you.


Germany discovered this on the Gold Standard when it racked up external debt from 1925 to 1929 (owed to American bankers) in much the same way as Greece has done.


When the music stopped – ie, when the Fed raised rates from 1928 onwards – Germany blew apart in much the same way as Greece is blowing apart. This is not a cultural or anthropological issue. It is the mechanical consequence of capital flows into a country that cannot handle it, as Germany could not handle it in the late 1920s.


By the way, Greeks work an average 42 hours a week, one of the highest in Europe. Just want to put the record straight on that.



2012-02-10 16:55:16 | Telegraph (UK)
For Greece a tear, for Brussels a blush
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: February 8th, 2012
Very quickly: some of you will have seen that Greece’s tax revenue from VAT collapsed by 18.7pc in January from a year earlier.


Nobody can seriously blame tax evasion for this. It has happened because 60,000 small firms and family businesses have gone bankrupt since the summer.


The VAT rate for food and drink rose from 13pc to 23pc in September to comply with EU-IMF Troika demands. The revenue effect has been overwhelmed by the contraction of the economy.


Overall tax receipts fell 7pc year-on-year.


This is a damning indictment of the EU-imposed strategy. Greece is chasing its tail. The budget deficit is stuck near 8pc to 9pc of GDP because the economic base is shrinking so fast.


Let me just add that it makes little difference whether or not Lucas Papademos secures triparty agreement today – or soon – for a debt deal.


The Greek parliament still has to vote and there is a sauve qui peut mood among MPs who don’t want to be stoned to death (metaphorically) by the polloi – hoi or otherwise.


Prof Yannis Varoufakis told me this morning that PASOK suupport has dropped to 8pc in the polls from 47pc when elected. New Democracy is down to 18pc.


Where are voters going? To parties that are not very friendly to Angela Merkel. The hard Left in various forms is running at around 35pc.


So what happens in the April elections? Does anybody think that the new government will comply with the Merkel-Troika Diktat, and continue complying until 2020 when the country will still be prostrate with a public debt of 120pc of GDP – if all goes perfectly?


April is the inflexion point.



2012-02-10 16:54:48 | Telegraph (UK)
An orderly EMU break-up, à la Française
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: February 7th, 2012
Salut souverainistes. For those wanting more details on the euro break-up plan drafted by French economists, here is the link to the L’Observatoire de L’Europe website.


A few extracts, loosely translated: "The obstinate determination of governments to take us by forced march deeper into the euro impasse can only lead to the general aggravation of the economic situation in Europe."


"Even though our American and Chinese competitors have an interest in the survival of the single currency, the euro is condemned to an uncontrollable explosion sooner or late". (A nice twist that one, inverting the false and widely believed conspiracy theory that the US is trying to destroy the euro.)


"National currencies should be recreated in each eurozone country". There will be a short transition period of dual notes as old euros are stamped by country ('U' for France) until new francs etc are printed. (This is what happened when the Austro-Hungarian monetary union fell apart in 1919.)


The new exchange rates will be determined by a formula that takes into account the accumulated inflation differential and trade balances since the launch of EMU.


The devaluations/revaluations will be set against a new unit of account reflecting the average weighting of the old euro (not anchored on the new D-Mark).


"The public debt of each state will be converted into the corresponding national currency, whoever the creditors may be. By contrast, the external debt of private entities will be converted into the European accounting unit. Even though this helps the stronger countries and penalizes the weak, it is the only feasible way to uphold preceding contracts."


"All governments will declare a bank holiday for a limited period. They will temporarily close banks to determine which are viable and which will need to apply to the central bank."


The central banks will lose their independence, returning to their pre-1970s status. (Quite right too. Central banks beyond democratic control are an outrage.)


The new currencies will be fixed for a period, then subject to a dirty float with 10pc margins. The economists said the whole operation would be easier if the euro first saw a big depreciation on global markets.


If Germany did not like this, France could precipitate the euro slide by abrogating the Giscard Law of 1973 – which banned central bank financing of state debt. (I don’t really understand this point.)


There you have it. Would it work? Any thoughts?


The group of twelve economists are of course in the eurosceptic camp, not in any way linked to the Sarkozy team. What is new is that they are gaining a platform. They are: Gabriel Colletis, Alain Cotta, Jean-Pierre Gérard, Jean-Luc Gréau, Roland Hureaux,Gérard Lafay, Philippe Murer, Laurent Pinsolle, Claude Rochet, Jacques Sapir, Philippe Villin, Jean-Claude Werrebrouck.

Gabriel Colletis, Alain Cotta, Jean-Pierre Gérard, Jean-Luc Gréau, Roland Hureaux,Gérard Lafay, Philippe Murer, Laurent Pinsolle, Claude Rochet, Jacques Sapir, Philippe Villin, Jean-Claude Werrebrouck


2012-02-10 12:14:56 | Telegraph (UK)
Trigger-happy central banks spark bond euphoria
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph: 12:35AM GMT 09 Feb 2012
Corporate bonds have enjoyed a spectacular rally over the last month as central banks flood the world with liquidity, and cash-rich companies bask in glory as gilt-edged assets.


"The credit market's on fire," said Suki Mann at Societe Generale. "We have seen a massive grab for yield. The mood is so good that even if Greece were to default it would probably make no difference."


The average borrowing cost for high-grade US companies has dropped to 3.52pc, just shy of all-time lows. American firms took advantage of the hunt for safe yield to raise $70bn (£44bn) last week alone, led by McDonald's and IBM.


The recovery in Europe has been electric since the European Central Bank (ECB) opened the floodgates in December, lending banks €489bn (£410bn) at 1pc for three years, with more to come later this month.


Europe saw the biggest one-month compression in high-grade debt yields in January since records began, excluding the V-shaped rebound after the 2008 crash. Telecom Italia's yields have dropped 180 basis points this year.


"The ECB was the game-changer. A lot of this money seems to have gone into corporate bonds and it makes sense because non-financial corporates are the strongest in history with big cash reserves and very defensive balance sheets," he said.


Data from Deloitte shows large companies have amassed record cash reserves on both sides of the Atlantic, with British non-financial firms sitting on £731bn, and US corporations holding $1.73 trillion in cash.


"High-grade companies like Google, Caterpillar, and the German auto-makers are now better credits than most governments," said Marc Ostwald at Monument Securities.


Spain's energy group Repsol can borrow for five years at 3.55pc, undercutting the Spanish state at 3.75pc. American companies cannot beat the US Treasury at 0.82pc but the gap has narrowed. Five-year yields for both Procter & Gamble and Caterpillar are 2.1pc, while GE is at 2.24pc.


Mr Ostwald said the world's central banks have eliminated most of the risk, promising to keep interest rates near zero for at least two years, even if the latest rush into junk bond segment of the market and is looking "overcooked".


Stephen Jen from SLJ Macro Partners said the double blast of a "trigger-happy Fed" and an activist ECB has transformed the outlook for global assets this spring. "All investors should respect the rule 'don't fight the Fed'. A new rule is 'don't fight the ECB'. Certainly the market should not fight the Fed and the ECB at the same time," he said.


Andrew Roberts, credit chief at RBS, said companies' ultra-cautious stance and their aversion to a fresh blitz of debt-drived takeovers makes them an alluring place to park money. These "super-corporates" have decoupled from eurozone woes. "The credit default swaps on Siemens, Carrefour, and Nestle hardly moved during the sovereign debt crisis last year," he said.


Bank bonds are the great exception to Europe's credit rally. The side-effect of the ECB's lending blitz is that the bank has gobbled up collateral. Since the ECB has first claim on this, the process reduces ordinary "unsecured" bondholders to ever lower ranking – affecting €2.6 trillion in European bank debt.


Holders of senior bank bonds are being relegated to junior status. "Banks are pledging more and more of their assets to the ECB: for unsecured bondholders, it all adds up to structural subordination," said John Raymond from CreditSights.


The risk is this could back-fire if banks over-indulge at the next ECB tender, borrowing a further €1 trillion or more. For now the party is in full swing.
