goo blog おすすめ
- 20年ぶりの元職場近くの酒屋立ち飲み went to a liquor shop bar for the first time in 20 years
- ちゃちゃ入れマンデーで紹介された近所の町中華 neighboring Chinese restaurant which was introduced on TV
- 酒屋立ち飲みで見るワールドシリーズ watched baseball world series on TV at liquor shop bar
- 恩師の句碑びらきに参加した日 attended opening of haiku monument of my former teacher
- 赤川3丁目の奇蹟(日の出松編) enjoyed traditional sake at Marukin liquor shop
- 運動会の駐輪場ボランティアの日 volunteered in Bicycle parking area of elementary school sports day
- 赤川3丁目の奇蹟(初訪問編) first visit to liquor shop bar in my neighborhood Akagawa
- 門真のラーメン屋さん ramen shop at Kadoma
- 第8回いいね!高殿まつりでボランティアした日 volunteered to take pictures in neighborhood fair
- 谷九のオアシス(カツオ編) surprised to taste raw bonito very good at a my favorite bar