from today's Nikkei

2006年10月27日 11時01分29秒 | 新聞記事から
NY証取、東証に提携提案 株式持合い軸に 2009年の東証上場時めど
It is learned that the New York Stock Exchange has made a proposal to the Tokyo Stock Ecchange that they will conclude an agreement to have a business tie with each other, based on the deal that they have each other's shares. The deal would have been completed by 2009, when the Tokyo Stock Exchange itself is to be listed.

米系投資ファンド 明星食品にTOB 全株取得めざす 経営陣は反発
The U.S. investment fund Steel Partners Japan Strategic Fund anounced on its website that it will implement the take-over bid(TOB) for Myojo-shokuhin food company,which is listed in the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The investment fund intends to acquire the whole Myojo-shokuhin's shares. However, all executive members of Myojyo-shokuhin's are against this TOB.

参考:The U.S. investment fund Steel Partners Japan Strategic Fund における最初のthe は、investment fund に対する定冠詞で、U.S.につくわけではない。U.S.はここでは形容詞として機能。the をつけたのはかなり有名で自分以外の人もよく知っている会社だと筆者(私)が思ったからthe をつけたのですが、あまり有名でもなく、他の人は知らないかも知れない会社だと筆者(私)が考えれば、The はAになると思います。
米国系は他には米国に拠点を置くと考えれば、The U.S.-based とかThe United States-based とかもいえるのではないでしょうか。Steel Partners Japan Strategic Fund は固有名詞です。Steel Partners Japan Strategic Fund, a U.S. investment fund,という言い方もあると思います。
U.S. Secretaryof State Condoleeza Rice とCondoleeza Rice, U.S. Secretary of State,共に可能なのと同じです。

大王製紙と北越 相互出資 2%程度 業務提携も協議 王子に対抗 動き急速
It is learned on October 26 that Daio Paper Corp., wichi is the third largest company in the domestic paper-manufacturing industry, has acquired about two percent of the issued shares of Hokuetsu Paper Co.,Ltd,which ranks the sixth in the industry. Hokuetsu also is said to deliberate on buying the same two percent level shares of Daido. Given these situations, the two companies has started to discuss how to reach a more extended business tie.The move is aimed at competeing with Oji Paper,their rival.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月26日 09時56分49秒 | 新聞記事から
公募増資 審査厳しく 日証協 投資家保護へ基準 事業計画など15項目 来年2月から
Japan Securities Dealers Association has decided to make a new rule for the securities company's examination of a company which wants to list its shares on the stock exchange.The new rule will includes the 15 standards including one related to the company's business plan, and will be applied to the procedures from next February. This is done for protectinon of good investors.

年金記録ミス2万4000件 照会者の2割 社保庁、ずさん管理
According to souces,it has surfaced that about 24,000 people have been mistakenly recorded about their pension premium paying history ,during the period of a month from late August,when the agency started to strengthening its counseling about pension. The number of 24,000 corresponds to about 20 percent of people who made their inquiries for the period. This again let the public know the agency's managemnt is very poor.
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from todsy's Nikkei

2006年10月25日 09時57分07秒 | 新聞記事から
工場立地規制を緩和 敷地や緑地面積 新設・更新しやすく 経産省検討

The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has decided to ease the regulations for building a new factory, revising the relevant laws, in order to expedite companies' making a new plant or remodeling already-set plants. This will help domestic comanies get their production bases back to home.

46歳以上2008年春 55歳以上来年12月 年金見込み額 通知開始
The Social Insurance Agency has decided that it will begin to notify subscribers of both national pension scheme and employees' pension schemes their possible benefits in the future. Specifically, the service will be implemented ,for the people aged 46 and over from spring in 2008, for the people aged 55 and over from December in 2007, respectively.

四半期決算会計ルール案 事業別損益も開示 2009年3月期から義務付け
The Corporate Account Standards Committee,which makes rules of corporate account settelment for domestic listed companies, has completed making its draft plan for listed companies' quarterly account settlement standards.
The new rule will be applied for financial reports from March 2009.
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from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月24日 10時42分42秒 | 新聞記事から
( )内はThe Daily Yomiuri による英訳(明日掲載)

Rice's visits to countries

Strengthening the international coalition for sanctions against North Korea should be hurried
(Intl cooperation vital to N. Korean siege)

We don't feel content for the results U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's visits to countries of Japan, South Korea, China and Russia has given birth to, from the viewpoint of strengthening the international coalition against North Korea implementing nuclear test.
(U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's recent four-nation tour should be regarded as unsuccessful in terms of achieving its goal of placing North Korea under international siege in the wake of the country's nuclear test.)

These five countires was not able to work out the concrete measures, concerning how to exercise the sanctions unanimously adopted in the U.N. Security Council. This has left behind some concerns about the cooperation among these countries.
(The United States and four other nations -Japan,China,Russia and South Korea-have failed to announce specific measures to carry outeconomoc sanctions unanimously adopted by the U.N. Security Council. This could spark concerns about whether the five nations will be able to take coordinated actions against the rteclusive state.)
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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月24日 09時50分40秒 | 新聞記事から
生産設備、償却期間短縮へ 当面の税負担を軽減 政府検討 経済活性化税制の柱に
The government will start deliberating on shortening the depreciation period of corporate plants and equipment in order to ease corporate tax burdens. This measure is considered a pillar one of revitalizing economy under the Abe administration.

佐藤前福島知事を逮捕 東京地検 工事発注で収賄容疑
Ex-governor of Fukushima Prefecture Eisaku Sato was arrested by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on suspicion that he received bribery when the prefecture ordered a construction work.

フォード58億ドル赤字 7-9月
Ford Motors Co. announced on October 23 that it recorded a deficit of 5.8 billion dollars in the period from July through September.

日経フォーラム「世界経営者会議」開幕 「ブランド戦略を革新」 資生堂前田社長 成長持続を議論
The 8th Nikkei Forum, dubbed " The World's Entrepreneurs Conference",which is sponsored by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, was opened in a hotel of Tokyo on October 23. Aomg the speakers delivering messaages there was president of a cosmetic maker Shiseido Shinzo Maeda,who said that he succeeded in innovation in its brand stretegy and stressed making the brand stretegy is very important for each company pursuing sustainable growth.
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