from todsy's Nikkei

2006年10月25日 09時57分07秒 | 新聞記事から
工場立地規制を緩和 敷地や緑地面積 新設・更新しやすく 経産省検討

The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has decided to ease the regulations for building a new factory, revising the relevant laws, in order to expedite companies' making a new plant or remodeling already-set plants. This will help domestic comanies get their production bases back to home.

46歳以上2008年春 55歳以上来年12月 年金見込み額 通知開始
The Social Insurance Agency has decided that it will begin to notify subscribers of both national pension scheme and employees' pension schemes their possible benefits in the future. Specifically, the service will be implemented ,for the people aged 46 and over from spring in 2008, for the people aged 55 and over from December in 2007, respectively.

四半期決算会計ルール案 事業別損益も開示 2009年3月期から義務付け
The Corporate Account Standards Committee,which makes rules of corporate account settelment for domestic listed companies, has completed making its draft plan for listed companies' quarterly account settlement standards.
The new rule will be applied for financial reports from March 2009.
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