from today's Nikkei

2006年10月26日 09時56分49秒 | 新聞記事から
公募増資 審査厳しく 日証協 投資家保護へ基準 事業計画など15項目 来年2月から
Japan Securities Dealers Association has decided to make a new rule for the securities company's examination of a company which wants to list its shares on the stock exchange.The new rule will includes the 15 standards including one related to the company's business plan, and will be applied to the procedures from next February. This is done for protectinon of good investors.

年金記録ミス2万4000件 照会者の2割 社保庁、ずさん管理
According to souces,it has surfaced that about 24,000 people have been mistakenly recorded about their pension premium paying history ,during the period of a month from late August,when the agency started to strengthening its counseling about pension. The number of 24,000 corresponds to about 20 percent of people who made their inquiries for the period. This again let the public know the agency's managemnt is very poor.
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