*** reminiscences ***
since 17 JAN 2005

(since 17 AUG 2005)

Comair 5191/27AUG LEXATL ATC Transcription

 昨年8月27日に Lexington で発生した Comair 5191 の CVR Transcription を紹介したのは約十日程前のことでした。

  Comair 5191/27AUG LEXATL CVR Transcription

先日(現地時間の1月27日)、FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (米国連邦航空局)から ATC Communications Transcription [管制塔との交信記録]が公表されましたので、関連部分を以下にご紹介します。

オリジナルの Transcription は、時系列で記されていますが、可読性を考え、便ごとに括ってみました。

Comair 機の前に、Skywest 6819 便( Chicago O'Hare 行),Eagle Flight 882 便( Dallas Fort Worth 行)が離陸しています。

Transcription は、誤訳を防ぐためにも原文で記載します。

Comair 5191 に関連しない部分では、若干省略した部分があります。

Comair 5191

0949:42COM191clearance good morning comair one ninety one is goin ah to
atlanta with alpha
0949:49LCcomair one ninety one lexington clearance cleared to atlanta
airport via bowling green erlin two arrival maintain six
thousand expect flight level two seven zero one zero
minutes after departure departure is one two zero point
seven five squawk six six four one
0950:06COM191okay gotta uh bowling green uh missed the other part six
thousand twenty point seventy five six six four one
0950:14LCcomair one ninety one it's the erlin two echo romeo lima
india november two arrival
0950:20COM191okay erlin two appreciate it comair one ninety one
0956:27LCinformation bravo's now current altimeter's three zero zero zero
0959:05COM191and ground comair one ninety one just uh give ya a heads up
on a push
0959:11LCcomair one ninety one advise ready for taxi
1002:01COM191comair one ninety one is ready to taxi we have alpha
1002:04LCcomair one ninety one taxi to runway two two altimeter three
zero zero zero and the winds are two zero zero at eight
1002:09COM191three triple zero and taxi two two comair one ninety one
1004:06LCuh lexington comair one ninety one to atlanta over bowling
1004:15ZID TMUuh released
1004:17LCc d
1005:15COM191*(toledo) comair one twenty one ready to go
1005:17LCcomair one ninety one lexington uh tower fly run runway
heading cleared for takeoff
1005:21COM191runway heading cleared for takeoff one ninety one

*This portion of the re-recording is not entirely clear, but it represents the best interpretation possible under the circumstances.

LC: Lexington ATCT, Local Control
COM191: Comair 191
ZID TMU: Indianapolis Center TMU

Skywest 56819

1000:30SKW6819skywest sixty eight nineteen is ready on two two
1000:33LCskywest sixty eight nineteen thanks turn right heading two seven
zero runway two two cleared for takeoff
1000:37SKW6819right turn to two seventy cleared for takeoff on runway two two
skywest sixty eight nineteen
1002:18LCskywest sixty eight nineteen radar contact say altitude leaving
1002:22SKW6819through twenty one hundred for six thousand sixty eight nineteen
1002:55LCskywest sixty eight nineteen climb and maintain one zero
thousand ten thousand join victor one seven one and resume
own navigation
1004:00SKW6819uh lexington skywest sixty eight nineteen we need right of
course for weather about a three hundred heading
1004:04LCskywest sixty eight nineteen approved as requested
1004:26LCskywest sixty eight nineteen contact indy center one two six
point three seven
1004:30SKW6819two six three seven skywest sixty eight nineteen good

LC: Lexington ATCT, Local Control
SKY6819: Skywest 6819

Eagle Flight 882

1001:38EGF882tower eagle flight eight eighty two ready for depature
1001:41LCeagle flight eight eighty two lexington tower roger hold short
1001:43EGF882hold short eagle flight eight eighty two
1002:12LCeagle flight eighty two fly runway heading cleared for
1002:16EGF882cleared for takeoff runway heading eagle flight eight eighty two
1003:34LCeagle flight eight eighty two radar contanct say altitude leaving
1003:38EGF882eagle flight eight eighty two out of one thousand seven
hundred now
1003:41LCeagle flight eight eighty two climb and maintain one zero
thousand ten thousand
1003:45EGF882one zero thousand eagle flight eight eighty two
1004:33LCeagle flight eight eighty two turn right heading two seven zero
join victor one seventy one resume own navigation
1004:37EGF882two seven zero join victor one seventy one own nav eagle
flight eight eighty two
1005:25LCeagle flight eight eighty two that heading work for you do you
want to go uh northwest around it the uh weather that's ahead
of you
1005:31EGF882that looks fantastic thank you very much
1005:33LCsay again please
1005:34EGF882this heading looks great eagle glight eight eighty two
1005:37LCeagle flight eight eighty two contact indy center one two six
point three seven good day
1005:40EGF882twenty six thirty seven eagle flight eight eighty two see ya

LC: Lexington ATCT, Local Control
EGF882: Eagle Flight 882
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