*** reminiscences ***
since 17 JAN 2005

(since 17 AUG 2005)

明日から「長月」 - 夕方にぐらり





関東地方の広い範囲でやや強い地震 横浜市などで震度4 (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース



 ▽神奈川県 川崎市、茅ケ崎市、大和市、座間市、綾瀬市など

 ▽東京都 23区、武蔵野市、八王子市、東大和市、調布市、町田市、狛江市など

 ▽千葉県  千葉市、松戸市、浦安市、柏市、市原市、木更津市、流山市、鎌ケ谷市など

 ▽埼玉県 さいたま市、川越市、川口市、所沢市、春日部市、狭山市、久喜市、草加市、蕨市、鳩ケ谷市、朝霞市、志木市、和光市、新座市、八潮市、富士見市、三郷市、吉川市など

 ▽茨城県 笠間市、常陸大宮市、つくば市、取手市、坂東市、筑西市、常総市、つくばみらい市

 ▽栃木県 二宮町、茂木町、市貝町

 ▽静岡県 熱海市

2006年 8月31日 (木) 18:19
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 先月、7月25日に「 I'm Safe Checklist 」とのタイトルで“己のコンディション”を自己判断するために米国の航空本ではしばしば引用されるチェックリストに関する投稿をしました。

次々と発表される報道を見聞するにつけ、Cockpit Crew, Controller の隙を悪魔は見逃さなかったな、との印象を受けます。

事故発生時、勤務についていた管制官が一名だけだったことは前にも記しましたが(コメント欄だったでしょうか)、当該管制官の勤務シフトを知り、彼が2時間の睡眠しかとっておらず、一名だけで On Duty であったことは、あまりにも過酷であります。


管制官が一名だけであったことが、FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (米国連邦航空局)の規則に違反していたことが指摘され、どうしても、その表面的な部分が注目されてしまいますが、「二名勤務」だったら今回の惨事は 100% 防げたか、というとそう単純ではありません。

確かに二名勤務していれば、一名勤務よりも Work Load も多少減少し、精神的にも二人いることで一名のときよりもストレスは軽減されるでしょう。



一方で、パイロット側は早朝5時15分に空港に Show Up しました。
Captain も F/O も乗務する ship を間違え、別の ship に乗り込み Cockpit Preparation を開始、ランプにいた Ground さんに間違えを指摘されていたとのことです。

悪天候等のイレギュラーでダイヤが乱れている環境下ならまだしも、極めて Operation Normal の状況下で二人とも自分達が乗務する機体を間違えるとは。

I'm Safe Checklist の F ... Fatigue (疲労)の項目は大丈夫だったのでしょうか。

「Human Error」「ミス」だ、と一言で片付けてしまうのは簡単です。



勿論、世論は真摯に受け止めなければなりません。その上で「Human Error」「ミス」をまねいた背景には何があったのか。

NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board (米国国家運輸安全委員会)が最終報告書を発表するまでには、相当の時間を要すると思われます。


事故機のオペレータであった Comair 社、および FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (米国連邦航空局)はご遺族の方々に紛うこと無い誠意ある対応をしなければならないことは言うまでもありません。

※米国では、航空機事故等の被災ご家族への支援として「航空災害家族支援計画( FEDERAL FAMILY ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR AVIATION DISASTERS )」なる法的な裏付けに沿った公的支援活動が実施されています。


CNN.com - NTSB: Lexington controller had only 2 hours of sleep - Aug 30, 2006
LEXINGTON, Kentucky (CNN) -- The lone air-traffic controller on duty at the time of a jet crash Sunday morning in Lexington, Kentucky, was working on only two hours of sleep, a National Transportation Safety Board spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The controller told investigators that he had worked in the Blue Grass Airport tower from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday before reporting to work again at 11:30 p.m. Saturday, said Debbie Hersman, the NTSB member in charge of the crash investigation.

He was scheduled to work until 8 a.m. Sunday, she said.

"He advised our team that he got approximately two hours of sleep," the NTSB spokeswoman said.

Air-traffic controllers are required to have eight hours off between shifts; the Lexington controller had nine, Hersman said.

The NTSB is trying "to determine what the cumulative effect of his work schedule might have been," she said.

Comair Flight 5191 began its takeoff roll down the wrong runway early Sunday morning while the controller was busy with paperwork. Also, it was revealed Wednesday, the 47 passengers aboard were unaware that the flight crew had started that Sunday morning by mistakenly getting onto another plane.

The Comair CRJ-100 crashed past the end of Runway 26, killing 49 of 50 people onboard. The co-pilot survived and is in critical condition at a Lexington hospital.

The Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday acknowledged that having only one controller in the tower violated the agency's policy.

The revelation came after CNN obtained a November 2005 FAA memorandum spelling out staffing levels at the airport. The memo says two controllers are needed -- one to monitor air traffic on radar and another to perform other tower functions, such as communicating with taxiing aircraft.

When two controllers are not available, the memo says, the radar monitoring function should be handed off to the FAA center in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The FAA told CNN that the lone controller at Blue Grass was performing both functions Sunday in violation of the policy.

The controller's last look at the jet occurred when it was on the taxiway, according to NTSB investigators.

"He had cleared the aircraft for takeoff, and he turned his back and performed administrative duties in the tower," Hersman said.

She said the controller cleared Flight 5191 to take off on Runway 22, the 7,000-foot lighted runway used by commercial jets.

Instead, the crew tried to take off on the unlit Runway 26, which was about half as long.

The controller told the NTSB he had an unobstructed view of both runways, Hersman said, but because he was not looking in that direction, he was unaware of a problem until he heard the crash.

Air traffic controllers are not responsible for making sure pilots are on the right runway, John Nance, a pilot and aviation analyst, told The Associated Press. "You clear him for takeoff and that's the end of it," Nance said, according to AP.

The Lexington Herald-Leader reported Tuesday that in 1993 a plane mistakenly lined up on Runway 26 instead of Runway 22, but the tower noticed the error in time.

Turning onto the wrong runway was not the only mistake the crew made Sunday, according to the NTSB. When they arrived at the airport at 5:15 a.m., the captain and first officer boarded the wrong plane and turned on the power before a ramp worker pointed out their mistake.

Hersman said it was the flight's captain, Jeffrey Clay, who taxied the aircraft into position at the start of the wrong runway. Clay then turned over the controls to the co-pilot, James Polehinke, who was flying the plane when it crashed. Hersman said that was standard procedure.

Hersman said both crew members were familiar with the Lexington airport but that neither had been to the airport since a repaving project a week earlier altered the taxiway route.

She said investigators will continue to gather information on how the pilot and co-pilot spent the 72 hours before the flight. She said toxicology testing for alcohol and drugs is routine.

Staffing boosted after crash

Andrew Cantwell, regional vice president of the controller's union, said he could not say with certainty whether additional staffing would have prevented the crash, but a second person would have allowed the controller to focus on operations.

In a statement Tuesday, the FAA suggested that a second controller would not have prevented the accident.

"Had there been a second controller present on Sunday, that controller would have been responsible for separating airborne traffic with radar, not aircraft on the airport's runways," the statement said.

The FAA this week increased overnight staffing at Lexington as well as at airports in Duluth, Minnesota, and Savannah, Georgia, Cantwell said.

Doug Church, spokesman for the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, said there has been a net loss of 1,081 controllers in the last three years, due largely to a wave of retirements, the AP reported.

Tire marks indicate the plane's wheels went into grass beyond the end of the runway. It became airborne after hitting an earthen berm, clipped a perimeter fence and struck a stand of trees before hitting the ground, said Hersman.

A longtime pilot familiar with Blue Grass Airport told the Lexington newspaper that the airport is confusing and getting onto the wrong runway is easier than it sounds.

Russ Whitney told the paper that Runway 22, the one Flight 5191 should have been on, has a hump in the middle, so pilots cannot see the whole thing as they begin takeoff. Runway 22 and the much shorter Runway 26 can appear to be the same length, he said, according to the newspaper.

On Wednesday, victims' families were scheduled to tour the crash site before a memorial service, the AP reported.

CNN's Mike Ahlers and David Mattingly contributed to this report.

Copyright 2006 CNN.

POSTED: 0423 GMT, August 31, 2006
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Rwy 22への誘導路が改訂されていた - Comair 5191/27AUG 関連

 NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board (米国国家運輸安全委員会)が日本時間の深夜に行なった2回目の会見で、ブルー・グラス空港の Runway 22 ( Comair 5191 便が本来離陸すべきであった滑走路)への誘導路が、最近変更になっていたことを発表しました。

早速、一つ前のLexington-Blue Grass 空港の Airport Diagram を見て吃驚。

確かに、以前は A Taxiway をそのまま突き進むと、Runway 26 端を通り過ぎ、そのまま Runway 22 端( Full Length Takeoff position )につながっていましたが、改訂された Chart では、Runway 26 端から先は A-7 に名称変更になっています。

また、以前は A Taxiway - 26 End - A-5 Taxiway で Runway 22 の端より少しだけ内側に入った部分に出る( Interscept Takeoff 用の) A-5 という誘導路があったのですが、その誘導路は廃止されました。

(当該機は結果的にそこを通らなかったのですが)Runway 22 の端に接続する誘導路の形状も若干異なっています。

新旧2つの Airport Diagram は↓を参照(クリックで拡大します)。

 "Cleared to taxi to Runway 22 via A"

現在は A Taxiway は Runway 26 までしかなく、その先は A-7 Taxiway です。

Taxi Clearance が
 "Cleared to taxi to Runway 22 via A and A-7"
と発出されていたのか。そしてそれを Cockpit Crew は正しく認識していたのか....。


Airport taxi route changed before crash - Yahoo! News
By JEFFREY McMURRAY, Associated Press Writer

LEXINGTON, Ky. - The taxi route for commercial jets at Blue Grass Airport was altered a week before Comair Flight 5191 took the wrong runway and crashed, killing all but one of the 50 people aboard, the airport's director said Monday.

Both the old and new taxiways to reach the main commercial runway cross over the shorter general aviation runway, where the commuter jet tried to take off early Sunday, Airport Executive Director Michael Gobb told The Associated Press.

While the main strip, Runway 22, is 7,000 feet long, the shorter one, Runway 26, is just 3,500 feet. Aviation experts say the CRJ-100 would have needed 5,000 feet to fully get off the ground.

The runway repaving was completed late on the previous Sunday, one week before the crash, Gobb said.

It wasn't clear if the Comair pilots aboard Flight 5191 had been to the airport since the changes. Comair operates that regular 6 a.m. Sunday flight to Atlanta from Lexington, but another commuter airline takes over the early morning commute during the week.

The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the crash and said it was reviewing runway and taxiway markings as part of its investigation.

Recorded conversations between Comair Flight 5191's cockpit crew and the single person staffing the control tower in the minutes before Sunday's crash showed no signs of trouble. The only runway mentioned was the main commercial strip, Runway 22, said NTSB member Debbie Hersman.

Somehow, the commuter jet ended up on Runway 26 instead — a cracked surface meant for small planes that was much too short for Comair's twin-engine jet.

What followed was the worst U.S. plane disaster since 2001.

"The take-off began, and the aircraft continued to accelerate until the recording stopped," Hersman said.

The plane clipped trees, then quickly crashed in a field and burst into flames, killing everyone aboard but a critically injured co-pilot who was pulled from the cracked cockpit.

Information retrieved from the cockpit voice recorder indicated that the preflight preparations had been "consistent with normal operations," Hersman said Monday.

There were no obvious problem with the airworthiness of the plane and the engines were in tact and appeared to have been in good working order, she said.

"Air traffic control and the flight crew planned for a takeoff from runway 22," Hersman said. But "The F.D.R. (flight data recorder) and the evidence on scene indicates the crew took off from Runway 26."

Lowell Wiley, a flight instructor who flies almost daily from Lexington, said he was confused by the redirected taxi route when he was with a student taking off from the main runway Friday.

Pilots encountered problems with the runway layout at Lexington's airport in the past, as well.

In a letter filed in 1993 with the Aviation Safety Reporting System, maintained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a pilot described his experience:

"Aircraft was cleared for immediate takeoff (traffic was inside the marker) on runway 22 at KLEX. We taxied onto the runway and told tower we needed a moment to check our departure routing with our weather radar (storms were in the area, raining at the airport). We realized our heading was not currect for our assigned runway and at that moment, tower called us to cancel the takeoff clearance because we were lined up on runway 26."

The pilot, who is not identified, suggested the Lexington airport post a warning to pilots "to clarify multiple runway ends," according to a text of the letter provided by FlightAware.com.

Hersman said the NTSB was interviewing the controller on duty early Sunday, reviewing records and transcribing the data and voice recorders retrieved from the crash.

Monday afternoon, investigators planned to use a high-riding truck to try to get the same view of the runway and airport layout that the pilots of Comair Flight 5191 would have had, she said.

She said they planned to conduct the same test on Tuesday at 6 a.m., the time of the crash to "try to see what the pilot saw."

The plane's two pilots were familiar with the twin-engine CRJ-100, and that plane in particular, the plane's maintenance was up to date, and it wasn't an old aircraft, Comair President Don Bornhorst said. Comair, based in Erlanger, Ky., is a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines Inc.

"We are absolutely, totally committed to doing everything humanly possible to determine the cause of this accident," Bornhorst said Sunday.

At Blue Grass Airport, flights were back to normal Monday. The 6 a.m. Lexington-to-Atlanta flight took off safely, though with a different flight number, Delta 6107.

"Obviously there is some anxiety when something like this happens, but it is not something that would stop me from going," said Mark Carroll, 47, a computer consultant from Lexington who was boarding the flight to Atlanta. "Things happen when you get older, it happens to everyone. You keep doing what you're doing."

The wreckage of Flight 5191 remained largely intact but severely burned in a field about a mile away.

The burned bodies of the 49 victims were removed from the plane on Sunday and taken to the state Medical Examiner's Office in Frankfort for autopsies to determine the cause of death. Fayette County Coroner Gary Ginn said Sunday that they likely died in the fire.

The victims included a newlywed couple starting their honeymoon, a director of Habitat for Humanity International, an owner of a thoroughbred horse farm, a University of Kentucky official and a Florida man who had caught an early flight home to be with his children.

Amid the devastation, there was also a story of heroism: Police Officer Bryan Jared reached into the broken cockpit and pulled out James M. Polehinke, the plane's first officer, burning his own arms to save the man. Polehinke was listed in critical condition at University of Kentucky Hospital.

The crash marked the end of what has been called the "safest period in aviation history" in the United States. There has not been a major crash since Nov. 12, 2001, when American Airlines Flight 587 plunged into a residential neighborhood in New York City, killing 265 people, including five on the ground.


Associated Press writers Adam Geller in New York, Leslie Miller in Washington, Harry Weber in Atlanta, and Dan Sewell in Cincinnati contributed to this report.
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 NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board (米国国家運輸安全委員会) からメールが入りました。

Comair 5191 便事故に関して、日本時間29日午前1時よりNTSBが会見するそうです。

NTSB では事故機から既に FDR: Flight Data Recorder, CVR: Cockpit Voice Recorder (いわゆるブラック・ボックスと言われるもの)を回収しています。


                         NTSB ADVISORY
  National Transportation Safety Board
  Washington, DC 20594

  August 28, 2006




          The National Transportation Safety Board will conduct 
  its second press briefing on Sunday's crash of a Comair regional jet today at 
  noon Eastern Daylight Time at the Hilton Suites, 245 Lexington Green 
  Circle, Lexington, Kentucky.

          NTSB Member Debbie Hersman will conduct the briefing.
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Comair 5191/27AUG LEXATL 墜落 (続・続報)

 NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board (米国国家運輸安全委員会)が会見をひらき、事故機は Runway 22 から離陸すべきところを Runway 26 から誤って離陸し、墜落に至ったであろうことの見解を示しました。


FAA では Airport Safety プログラムを実施しているのですが、このような事故が発生してしまい、残念でなりません。

Crashed plane took off from wrong runway - Yahoo! News
By JEFFREY McMURRAY, Associated Press Writer

LEXINGTON, Ky. - A commuter jet mistakenly trying to take off on a runway that was too short crashed into a field Sunday and burst into flames, killing 49 people and leaving the lone survivor — a co-pilot — in critical condition, federal investigators said.

Preliminary flight data from Comair Flight 5191's black box recorders and the damage at the scene indicate the plane, a CRJ-100 regional jet, took off from the shortest runway at Lexington's Blue Grass Airport, National Transportation Safety Board member Debbie Hersman said.

The 3,500-foot-long strip, with less lighting and barely half the length of the airport's main runway, is only intended for daylight takeoffs and not for commercial flights. The twin-engine CRJ-100 would have needed 5,000 feet to fully get off the ground, aviation experts said.

It wasn't immediately clear how the plane ended up on the shorter runway in the predawn darkness. There was a light rain Sunday, and the strip veers off at a V from the main runway, which had just been repaved last week.

"We will be looking into performance data, we will be looking at the weight of the aircraft, we will be looking at speeds, we will pull all that information off," Hersman said.

The Atlanta-bound plane plowed through a perimeter fence and crashed in a field less than mile from the end of that runway at about 6:07 a.m. Aerial images of the crash site in the rolling hills of Kentucky's horse country showed trees damaged at the end of the short runway and the nose of the plane almost parallel to the small strip.

When rescuers reached it, the plane was largely intact but in flames. A police officer burned his arms dragging the only survivor from the cracked cockpit.

The flames kept rescuers from reaching anyone else aboard — a newlywed couple starting their honeymoon, a Florida man who had caught an early flight home to be with his children and a University of Kentucky official among them.

"They were taking off, so I'm sure they had a lot of fuel on board," Fayette County Coroner Gary Ginn said. "Most of the injuries are going to be due to fire-related deaths."

FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown said the agency had no indication that terrorism was involved in any way in what was the country's worst domestic plane crash in five years.

It's rare for a plane to get on the wrong runway, but "sometimes with the intersecting runways, pilots go down the wrong one," said Saint Louis University aerospace professor emeritus Paul Czysz.

The worst such crash came on Oct. 31, 2000, when a Los Angeles-bound Singapore Airlines jumbo jet mistakenly went down a runway at Taiwan's Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport that had been closed for repairs because of a recent typhoon. The resulting collision with construction equipment killed 83 people on board.

Comair President Don Bornhorst said maintenance for the plane that crashed Sunday was up to date and its three-member flight crew was experienced and had been flying that airplane for some time.

"We are absolutely, totally committed to doing everything humanly possible to determine the cause of this accident," Bornhorst said. "One of the most damaging things that can happen to an investigation of this magnitude is for speculation or for us to guess at what may be happening."

Most of the passengers aboard the flight had planned to connect to other flights in Atlanta and did not have family waiting for them, said the Rev. Harold Boyce, a volunteer chaplain at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport.

One woman was there expecting her sister. The two had planned to fly together to catch an Alaskan cruise, Boyce said.

"Naturally, she was very sad," Boyce said. "She was handling it. She was in tears."

The only survivor of the crash was identified as first officer James M. Polehinke, 44, who was in critical condition after surgery at the University of Kentucky hospital.

"He's very lucky," said Dr. Andrew C. Bernard, a trauma surgeon.

The other crew members were Capt. Jeffrey Clay, who was hired by Erlanger, Ky.-based Comair in 1999, and flight attendant Kelly Heyer, hired in 2004. Polehinke has been with Comair since 2002.

All 49 bodies had been recovered from the wreckage, said Stacy Floden, spokeswoman for the state Justice and Public Safety Cabinet. No positive identifications had been made yet, and preliminary autopsies had been done on 16 or 17 bodies, she said.

The plane had undergone routine maintenance as recently as Saturday and had 14,500 flight hours, "consistent with aircraft of that age," Bornhorst said.

Investigators from the FAA and NTSB were at the scene, and Bornhorst said the airline was working to contact relatives of the passengers.

Gov. Ernie Fletcher cut short a trip to Germany and was returning to Kentucky on Monday afternoon, spokeswoman Jodi Whitaker said.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said President Bush, who is spending a long weekend at his family's summer home on the Maine coast, was being briefed on the crash.

"The president was deeply saddened by the news of the plane crash in Kentucky today," she said. "His sympathies are with the many families of the victims of this tragedy."

Among those killed were a newlywed couple starting their honeymoon. Jon Hooker, a former minor-league baseball player, had just married Scarlett Parlsey the night before the crash in a fairy tale wedding ceremony complete with a horse-drawn carriage and 300 friends.

"It's so tragic because he was so happy last night," said Keith Madison, who coached Hooker's baseball team at the University of Kentucky and attended the wedding. "It's just an incredible turn of events. It's really painful."

The crash marks the end of what has been called the "safest period in aviation history" in the United States. There has not been a major crash since Nov. 12, 2001, when American Airlines Flight 587 plunged into a residential neighborhood in Queens, N.Y., killing 265 people, including five on the ground.


Associated Press writers Leslie Miller in Washington, Harry Weber in Atlanta and Dan Sewell in Erlanger, Ky., contributed to this report.

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Comair 5191/27AUG LEXATL 墜落 (続報)


どうも、Runway 22 から離陸すべきところを Runway 26 から離陸したとの見方が強まってきています。

再度、Lexington-Blue Grass 空港の Airport Diagram を示します↓(クリックすると拡大します)。



Runway 22 の7003フィート(約2100m)に対し、誤ったと思われる Runway 26 の滑走路長は3500フィート(約1060m)しかありません。


以下の Aviation Safety Network の記述にもありますが、Blue Grass 空港では過去にも Runway 22 からの離陸機が Runway 26 に誤進入、離陸開始位置で停止していたところを管制官が気付き、当該機に離陸許可の取り消しを指示し、事故をのがれていた事例があるようです。

確かに、Airport Diagram を見ると、ターミナルから滑走路に向かって A-Twy を地上滑走していて、22 と思い込んで左に tiller をきってそのまま Rolling を開始してしまう離陸滑走路誤進入はありそうです。

ASN Aircraft accident description Canadair CL-600-2B19 (CRJ200ER) Regional Jet N431CA - Lexington-Blue Grass Airport, KY (LEX)
Date:27 AUG 2006
Type:Canadair CL-600-2B19 (CRJ200ER) Regional Jet
Operator:Comair/Delta Connection
Registration: N431CA
C/n / msn: 7472
First flight: 2001
Total airframe hrs:12048
Engines: 2 General Electric CF34-3B1
Crew:Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 3
Passengers:Fatalities: 47 / Occupants: 47
Total:Fatalities: 49 / Occupants: 50
Airplane damage: Written off
Location:Lexington-Blue Grass Airport, KY (LEX) (United States of America)
Phase: Takeoff
Nature:Domestic Scheduled Passenger
Departure airport:Lexington-Blue Grass Airport, KY (LEX / KLEX), United States of America
Destination airport:Atlanta-William B. Hartsfield International Airport, GA (ATL / KATL)
Weather at Lexington (LEX) was fine on the morning of Augst 27 (METAR for 05:54 local: KLEX 270954Z 20007KT 8SM FEW090 SCT120 24/19 A3000) with a small shower approaching from the West.

It was still dark as Comair flight 5191 taxied out for takeoff. Media reports suggest that the crew were cleared for a runway 22 departure, which is Lexington's main runway. However, the aircraft began its takeoff roll on runway 26 which is a smaller 3500 x 75 feet runway. This runway would probably not be long enough for a safe takeoff of a fully-laden CRJ200. The RegionalJet crashed in a hilly, heavily wooded area on a working farm just past the end of the runway.

According to Bombardier, the airplane was delivered to Comair in January 2001, which would make it either N431CA or N435CA (msn 7473).

NASA ASRS records show a possible similar scenario when some 13 years ago a twin engine passenger jet inadvertently taxied into position on runway 26 at LEX while being cleared for an immediate runway 22 takeoff. The tower controller noticed this and cancelled the takeoff clearance. According to the report "Possible contributing factors were poor visibility and wx (rain), confusing rwy intxn and twr's request for an immediate tkof."

In the meantime work had been performed on the runways at LEX. Since October 2003 for instance a runway resurfacing project was started. The project also added 600 feet of safety area at each runway end.

名簿に日本人らしい名前 米機墜落事故 (共同通信) - goo ニュース




2006年 8月28日 (月) 09:15
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Comair Flight 5191 墜落


NTSB: NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board (米国国家運輸安全委員会)の調査官が現地に入り、事故調査に乗り出しています。


ブルー・グラス空港の Airport Diagram は↓(クリックすると拡大します)。


Lexington Blue Grass 空港の METAR は以下の通りです。

KLEX 271154Z 22006KT 6SM HZ OVC055 23/20 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP161 60001 70001 T02330200 10250 20233 53012
KLEX 271054Z 22008KT 8SM FEW047 BKN060 OVC090 23/20 A3002 RMK AO2 RAB12E51 SLP154 P0001 T02330200
KLEX 270954Z 20007KT 8SM FEW090 SCT120 24/19 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP147 T02390194
KLEX 270854Z 19008KT 8SM FEW060 BKN090 24/19 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP148 T02390194 53001
KLEX 270754Z 19009KT 7SM SCT065 SCT080 24/19 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP146 T02440194
KLEX 270654Z 19006KT 8SM BKN120 24/20 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP148 T02440200
KLEX 270554Z AUTO 18007KT 8SM CLR 24/20 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP148 T02440200 10278 20244 56001 TSNO

270954Z の観測値を見ても、気象状況に問題があったとは思えません。

Airport Diagram を見ると、Rwy 22 を Full Length で離陸すべく A Taxiway を進んでいたのを、手前の Rwy 26 から 滑走開始してしまったとも考えられなくもありませんが、気温24度、47名のお客様で CRJ-200 が Rwy 26 から Lift Off 出来るかどうか。

旅客機墜落、49人死亡 米ケンタッキー州 (共同通信) - goo ニュース




2006年 8月28日 (月) 01:24
CNN.com - Plane carrying 50 crashes; one known survivor - Aug 27, 2006
(CNN) -- A Delta commuter flight carrying 50 people crashed Sunday morning shortly after take-off from Blue Grass Airport in Lexington, Kentucky, according to airport and airline officials. One person is known to have survived.

The commuter flight was en route from Blue Grass Airport to Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown told CNN.

One passenger was being treated at the University of Kentucky Hospital, where he was listed in critical condition, according to hospital spokeswoman Gail Hairston.

There were 46 passengers, three crew members and one off-duty crew member on Delta Flight 5191 -- operated by Delta's commuter carrier, Comair, according to Michael Gobb, director of the Blue Grass Airport.

Gobb said it is still unclear how many people perished in the crash because "search operations are still going on."

Fayette County Coroner Gary Ginn told The Associated Press that the passengers and crew appeared to still be on the plane and the deaths were caused either by the impact or the "hot fire" on board.

"We are going to say a mass prayer before we begin the work of removing the bodies," Ginn said, referring to the chaplains who serve the airport.

A temporary morgue was being set up at the scene and the bodies will be brought to the state medical examiner's office in Frankfort, Ginn told AP.

Initial reports from first responders had indicated all 50 people on board died in the crash, Brown told CNN.

The plane crashed a mile from the airport shortly after take-off, the FAA said.

The aircraft was a Bombardier Canadian Regional Jet, which has a good track record, according to its history on the National Transportation Safety Board's Web site.

Flight 5191 was cleared for takeoff at 6:05 a.m. ET, which was the last communication between the pilot and air traffic controllers, FAA officials said.

The plane crashed at 6:19 a.m. ET, about a mile west of the airport, FAA officials said.

The plane was scheduled to land in Atlanta at 7:18 a.m. ET.

It is unclear what caused the crash. There were no reports of bad weather in the Lexington area.

"It was dark at the time of the accident, but it was clear," Brown said.

A team of National Transportation Safety Board investigators is heading to the crash site to begin an investigation.

CNN's Mike Ahlers contributed to this report.

Sunday, August 27, 2006 Posted: 1445 GMT
ABC News: Comair Flight Carrying 50 Crashes in Ky.
Comair Flight Carrying 50 People Crashes in Lexington, Ky.; at Least 1 Survivor, FAA Says


LEXINGTON, Ky. Aug 27, 2006 (AP)
— A commuter jet carrying 50 people crashed in a field and caught fire shortly after taking off in light rain Sunday morning. Authorities said at least one person survived.

Comair Flight 5191, a CRJ-200 regional jet with 47 passengers and three crew members, crashed at 6:07 a.m. after taking off for Atlanta, said Kathleen Bergen, a spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration.

There was no immediate word on what caused the crash in a field about a mile from Blue Grass Airport. The plane was largely intact afterward, but there was a fire following the impact, police said.

"We have no indication at all that this has anything to do with terrorism," said Laura Brown, an FAA spokeswoman.

The crash marks the end of what has been called the "safest period in aviation history" in the United States.

Lexington police spokesman Sean Lawson said investigators were looking into whether the plane took off from the wrong runway.

"We are absolutely, totally committed to doing everything humanly possible to determine the cause of this accident," Comair President Don Bornhorst said at a news conference.

He said he could not speculate on the cause or confirm who the survivor was.

"The crew had been operating the same airplane for quite some time," Bornhorst said.

The pilot was hired in 1999 and had been a captain since 2004. The First office had been with Comair since 2002, and the flight attendant had been with Comair since 2004.

Bornhorst said the maintenance of the plane was up to date, with routine maintenance as recently as Saturday. Comair purchased that plane in January 2001, and all maintainance was normal as far as the information Comair has now, he said.

The plane had 14,500 flight hours, "consistent with aircraft of that age," Bornhorst said.

The University of Kentucky hospital was treating one survivor, who was in critical condition, spokesman Jay Blanton said. No other survivors have been brought to the hospital, he said.

Fayette County Coroner Gary Ginn said the passengers and crew appeared to still be on the plane and the deaths were caused either by the impact or the "hot fire" on board.

"We are going to say a mass prayer before we begin the work of removing the bodies," Ginn said, referring to the chaplains who serve the airport.

A temporary morgue was being set up at the scene and the bodies will be brought to the state medical examiner's office in Frankfort, Ginn said.

He said both flight recorders have been found.

Rose Wilson, who lives near the airport, said she was awakened by the crash.

"I thought it was thunder," she said.

Investigators from the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board were en route to the scene, said Brown of the FAA.

The airport closed for three hours after the crash, but reopened by 9 a.m.

Chaplains at Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport were meeting with family members waiting for their loved ones at the airport, said the Rev. Harold Boyce, an airport chaplain.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said President Bush, who is spending a long weekend at his family's summer home on the Maine coast, was being briefed on the crash by aides. The news of it broke while he and his wife, Laura, where at church with the elder Bushes. Perino had no other information about the crash.

Comair is a subsidiary of Delta Air Lines based in the Cincinnati suburb of Erlanger, Ky.

The Bombardier Canadair CRJ-100 is a twin-engine aircraft that can carry up to 50 passengers, according to Delta's Web site.

There has not been a major crash in the United States since Nov. 12, 2001, when American Airlines Flight 587 plunged into a residential neighborhood in Queens, N.Y., killing 265 people, including five on the ground.

On Jan. 8, 2003, an Air Midwest commuter plane crashed on takeoff at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, killing all 21 aboard.

Last December, a seaplane operated by Chalk's Ocean Airways crashed off Miami Beach when its right wing separated from the fuselage shortly after takeoff, killing the 18 passengers and two crew members. That plane, a Grumman G-73 Turbo Mallard, was built in 1947 and modified significantly in 1979.

The NTSB's last record of a CRJ crash was on November 21, 2004, when a China Eastern-Yunnan Airlines Bombardier crashed shortly after takeoff. The 6 crew members and 47 passengers on the CRJ-200 were killed, and there were two fatalities on the ground.

Associated Press Writer Leslie Miller in Washington contributed to this report.

© 2006 The Associated Press.
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T0612 IOKE発生


既に Central Pacific Hurricane Center が 01C "IOKE" として観測・予報していたハリケーンが東経にお邪魔してきたため、香港娘の名を冠することはなくりました。


cp01 2006

この IOKE、ミッドウェイ島,ウェーク島近海にあって、中心気圧は920ヘクトパスカル、中心付近の最大風速は55メートル(105ノット)と、猛烈な強さの台風です。


明日にも日本付近に近づく台風ではありませんが、気象庁|台風情報 で情報が得られます。

ミッドウェイ島と言えば、ハワイ路線で Enroute Alternate としてとられますし、米国西海岸とを結ぶ路線においても、その日の PACOTS ルート設定によっては ETOPS Alternate となることもあります。


T0612 IOKE

〓04Bilis (ビリス)スピードフィリピン10
〓05Kaemi (ケーミー)あり(蟻)韓国11
〓06Prapiroon (プラピルーン)雨の神タイ12
〓07Maria (マリア)女性の名前米国13
〓08Saomai (サオマイ)金星ベトナム14
〓09Bopha (ボーファ)カンボジア15
〓10Wukong (ウーコン)(孫)悟空中国16
〓11Sonamu (ソナムー)北朝鮮17
13Shanshan (サンサン)少女の名前香港18
14Yagi (ヤギ)やぎ座日本19
15Xangsane (シャンセン)ラオス20
16Bebinca (バビンカ)プリンマカオ21
17Rumbia (ルンビア)サゴヤシマレーシア22
18Soulik (ソーリック)伝統の酋長称号ミクロネシア23
19Cimaron (シマロン)野生の牛フィリピン24
20Chebi (チェービー)つばめ(燕)韓国25
21Durian (ドリアン)果物の名前、ドリアンタイ26
22Utor (ウトア)スコールライン米国27
23Trami (チャーミー)花の名前ベトナム28
24Kong-rey (コンレイ)伝説の少女の名前カンボジア29
25Yutu (イートゥー)民話のうさぎ中国30
26Toraji (トラジー)桔梗北朝鮮31
27Man-yi (マンニィ)海峡の名前香港32
28Usagi (ウサギ)うさぎ座日本33
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Bookmark にも登録しておりますが、DIGITAL AVIATOR さんのブログに、『 フライトバッグの中身 』なる投稿がありました。




エアラインでは ROUTE MANUAL と表に刻印されたバインダーが会社から支給されるようですが、こちら全て自費負担でございますので、JEPPESEN 純正の AIRWAY MANUAL バインダーです。


ちなみにこちらの写真では二つとも2インチのバインダーですが、DIGITAL AVIATOR さんの左側のそれは1インチのバインダーです。


FLIGHT LOGBOOK はあえて異なるものを引っ張り出しました。

DIGITAL AVIATOR さんのそれは、本邦の航空局が発行しているものです。

“「ROUTE MANUAL」と書かれた黒いバインダーが重く分厚く、~”


小生は、この「 PACIFIC BASIN 1 」とラベルを貼ったバインダーに、日常的にはあまり使わない Enroute Chart も綴じています。
基本的には INTL (国際線)では欠かせない一冊です。


「 INTRODUCTION 」タブ中の、チャートの読み方をパチリ。

「 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL 」タブ中の、217ページをパチリ。

DIGITAL AVIATOR さんも述べておられますが、この ATC については地域・地域でそれぞれ差異がありますので、一般規則の他に国別の差異を説明しているページがあります。








指示書に従って単に機械的に差し替えるだけでは不合格。チャートのどこが変更になったか、あるいは今まで有効だった PROCEDURE はいつから使えなくなるのか、など等、一枚の差替えをするのに少なくても数分はかかります。

重要なポイントにはマーカーで線を引いたり、新しい PROCEDURE をイメージ・トレーニングしたりと大変な作業です。


 -PACIFIC BASIN 2 ( SEA: 東南アジア )
 -PACIFIC BASIN 4 ( AUS: オーストラリア・オセアニア )
 -PACIFIC BASIN 5 ( PAC: 北太平洋およびハワイ )
 -USAF 1 ( GENERAL INFORMATION, Enroute High and Low )
 -USAF 2 ( California 州 )
 -USAF 3 ( California 州を除く西部の州 )


エアライン・パイロットの方々が使っておられるのも JEPPESEN のチャートですが、大抵の場合、各社がカスタマイズしてオリジナルの情報を埋め込んでいます。

Jeppesen 社では Airline Service と呼んでいるのですが、要はオリジナルのチャートにオーバーレイで情報を追加しているのです。

Enroute Chart だけでなく、STAR, SID, Airport Diagram, Approach Chart にもオーバーレイが施されている場合があります。

【 10-2 ) のような表記は、一小市民が手にすることが出来ません。

JCABのそれとは異なりますが、FLIGHT LOGBOOK の中身はこんな感じです。

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プルコボ航空612便 墜落




その姿からもわかりますが、Boeing727 に酷似しています。


 1)巡航高度(約 36000feet )で突然 MAYDAY を発信していること
 2)10000 feet で再度 MAYDAY を発信していること
の報道からして、CB 悪天域に突っ込み乱気流遭遇+被雷、エンジンが STALL したか操縦系統の一部に損傷を受け、滑空しながら高度を落とし、不時着を試みるも墜落に至ったのかもしれません。(いずれかのエンジンが火災を起こした可能性もあります)

ロシア非常事態省当局者の言うように、仮に落雷が直接の引き金であったのであれば、WX RADAR や Cockpit Crew の Situational Awareness、地上支援体制によって避けることが出来たかもしれません。

EUHISIGWX12 VT 1800Z 22AUG2006




ロシア機がウクライナ東部で墜落、生存者なし (ロイター) - goo ニュース
[SUKHA BALKA(ウクライナ) 22日 ロイター] 当局者らによると、乗客乗員170人を乗せてロシアの黒海沿岸の保養地アナパからサンクトペテルブルクに向かっていたロシアの旅客機が22日、ウクライナ東部で墜落、炎上した。



2006年 8月23日 (水) 07:59
170人全員死亡と当局者 ロ機墜落、落雷が原因か (共同通信) - goo ニュース



2006年 8月23日 (水) 09:49
169人の乗員乗客全員死亡 ロシア機墜落事故 (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース


2006年 8月23日 (水) 11:25
BBC NEWS | Europe | Mourning for Ukraine crash dead
Emergency workers at the scene of the crashEmergency workers battled the flames at the crash scene

Ukraine is holding a national day of mourning on Wednesday for 170 people killed in a plane crash.

The plane was flying from the Russian Black Sea resort of Anapa to St Petersburg when it crashed near Donetsk, Ukraine, killing all on board.

Most of the passengers were thought to be Russians returning from seaside holidays, including about 40 children.

An investigation has begun, with bad weather or a possible fire among the causes under consideration.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his country would declare Thursday a day of mourning for the victims.

Dutch passengers

The crew of the Pulkovo Airlines flight 612 sent a distress signal at 1537 Moscow time (1137 GMT), and the plane disappeared from radar screens two minutes later, Russian officials said.
It crashed into a field about 45km (30 miles) north of the Ukrainian city of Donetsk.

The plane was carrying 160 passengers, at least 39 of them children, and 10 crew.

There were foreigners on board, "including Dutch people", according to an official at St Petersburg airport, quoted by AFP.

The fuselage of the plane was entirely destroyed and a thick pall of white smoke hung in the air, an AFP journalist reported from the scene.

"It was floating, it circled around, then it went down," an unidentified women told Russian television.. Immediately there was an explosion ... and smoke started rising."

'Severe weather'

There have been conflicting reports of the cause of the crash.

Ukraine's emergencies ministry said the crew had decided to make an emergency landing after a fire broke out.

But Russian officials told the Itar-Tass news agency that the plane had encountered severe weather conditions before it came down.

Russia says terrorism has been ruled out as a possible cause.

St Petersburg-based Pulkovo Airlines is one of Russia's larger carriers.

The crash is the third serious air disaster in the region this year.

In July, at least 124 people died when a Russian Airbus A-310 skidded off a runway and burst into flames in Irkutsk in Siberia.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 23 August 2006, 02:19 GMT 03:19 UK
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 気が付けば、日経平均は1万6千円台になっているし、為替レートも115~116円で推移しています。あぁ Renewal、もう少し待つんだったな~、と思っても時既に遅し....。




早速封筒を開けると、出てきたのは一枚の CD 。

 "Takeoff Safety Training Aid"



CD 1枚が収納された小さな封筒だったので、財務大臣からの「また色々と余計なもの買って!」のお咎めもありませんでした。



Kokugo Dai Jiten Dictionary. Shinsou-ban (Revised edition) © Shogakukan 1988/国語大辞典(新装版)©小学館 1988
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T0610 WUKONG 接近中

 暴風域はなくなりましたが、動きが遅いので降り始めからの総雨量に注意が必要です。また、強風域(中心から南東側 390km 北西側 300km)は依然として存在しますので、強風、海では高波やうねりにも要注意です。

2006年台風第10号[アジア名: WUKONG (ウーコン) アジア名通番16,命名国・地域:中国,意味:(孫)悟空]は、その後に発生した2006年台風第11号[アジア名: SONAMU (ソナムー) アジア名通番17,命名国・地域:北朝鮮,意味:松]と近い位置関係にあったため、複雑な動きをしました。





さて、この10号、雨雲が中心の片側に偏ったアンバランスな格好になっていますので、台風情報 の中心位置だけにとらわれず、レーダー・エコーなどを参考にして、現在の雨域とその動きにも注意しなければなりません。


レーダー・エコーについては、気象庁の「 レーダー・降水ナウキャスト 」の他にも、国土交通省の「 防災情報提供センター リアルタイムレーダー 」等も有益な情報を提供してくれます。


台風10号、九州に上陸の見込み (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース





2006年 8月17日 (木) 16:36
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イギリスにおける 航空保安の強化について




ロンドンで旅客機爆破テロ未遂 21人を逮捕 (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース








2006年 8月11日 (金) 00:59

英国内の空港混乱、異例の警戒態勢 欧州各便が欠航 (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース










2006年 8月11日 (金) 01:04

Q&A: UK terror alert response - BBC NEWS | UK
Officers at Stansted AirportHeightened security measures are in place at Britain's airports as police question a number of suspects over an alleged plot to bomb planes leaving the UK.

What do we know about the reported plot?

According to BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera, the authorities believe the target of the plot included US as well as UK airlines flying to all parts of the US and it seemed to have involved a number of waves of simultaneous attacks.

It is thought there could have been three waves of attacks on different days, targeting three planes each time.

Security experts believe there were plans to detonate liquid explosives on up to 10 planes.

Officials say the explosives could have been sophisticated and extremely effective. It is possible they could have been carried in fizzy drink bottles or cans.

The plot was expected to be carried out soon.

What sparked the alert?

New intelligence was received in the last five days which led to the decision to act as soon as possible.

BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says the decision to arrest a large number of suspects in Britain was directly linked to similar arrests a few days ago in the Pakistani port city of Karachi.

What is the focus of the investigation?

Twenty-one people are being questioned after raids in various parts of the UK. Sources say they are all believed to be British nationals, some with links to Pakistan.

The police operation follows extensive surveillance.

Unlike the investigation into last year's London bombings, security sources have told the BBC there is a clear connection between those they had under surveillance in the UK and senior members of al-Qaeda hiding in Pakistan.

Al-Qaeda's chief strategist, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, has made a number of speeches in recent months in which he has singled out Britain for punishment for policies he says are hostile to Muslims.

Al-Qaeda has also had a long fascination with blowing up airplanes. In 1995 an al-Qaeda plot to destroy 12 US airliners as they crossed the Pacific Ocean was intercepted by police in Manila.

The attacks of 9/11 were followed by an attempt by Richard Reid to detonate explosives onboard a plane, concealed in his shoe.

Historically, the organisation and its followers have returned more than once to favoured methods of attack such as the truck bomb, the suicide bomber and mid-air explosions.

What level of threat remains?

MI5 has raised the security threat level to the UK to "critical" - the highest rating, while stringent security measures have been introduced at UK airports.

How long will disruption and increased security measures continue?

The disruption is expected to continue throughout Friday although the authorities are hopeful the travel situation will begin to improve. It is not yet clear how long the new restrictions on hand baggage will stay in force.

Last Updated: Thursday, 10 August 2006, 17:42 GMT 18:42 UK
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折角 Airborne WX Radar を備えていても…



当該便の Block Time は11時間30分です。少し前までの某社ではないのですから、まさかシングル編成ということは無いと思います。

が、マルチ編成でも Block Time 11時間半、オペレーションセンターに出頭してからは13時間は超える乗務です。

徹夜で飛んできて、クルーの疲労も蓄積されてきたところで、しかもクルーの現地時間では WOCL: Window Of Circadian Low (体内時計など生理的に身体的に低調となる期間:基地時間で午前2時から午前6時)の真っ只中での Landing です。

地上のレーダ・エコー過去画像で乱気流に遭遇したと思われる午前10時20分頃を調べると、那須付近の上空に Cb と思われるエコーが見られます。


疲れた身体に鞭打って、Landing へ向けて気力を集中し始めていたところでしょうが、Onboard WX Radar にも同様に注意を払って積極的に deviation request をしていたのでしょうか。気になるところです。

この悪天、成田の TAF や METAR を読んでいてもまず予見は出来なかったでしょう。(到着経路が異なるので、PIREP もそれ程重要視されなかったと思われます)

Airbus 社では、
 Flight Operations Briefing Notes
  Adverse Weather Operations
 Optimum Use of the Weather Radar

A340 機に乗務している当該便クルーなら目にするチャンスはあったと思うのですが....。

Airbus A340 といえば長大距離路線への投入を前提としている Airbus 社のハイテク旅客機です。Airborne WX Radar も高性能のものを装着しているでしょうし、そのエコーは(当たり前のように) Navigation Display に重ねて映すことができます。

が、AUTO PILOT は勝手に悪天域回避まではしてくれません。

優れた道具を使いこなすのは“ PILOT ”であることを改めて考えさせられました。


事故調委が調査へ トルコ航空機の乱気流事故 (共同通信) - goo ニュース



2006年 8月 8日 (火) 23:11

乱気流で7人けが トルコ航空機 (産経新聞) - goo ニュース


2006年 8月 8日 (火) 17:03

乱気流で乗客ら7人けが=突然落ち込む、3人病院に-成田着のトルコ航空機 (時事通信) - Yahoo! ニュース


(時事通信) - 8月8日14時0分更新

と言うことですから、1G程度の加速度変化。ICAO 基準では MODERATE それも SEVERE に極めて近い MODERATE だったことになります。

実際にどれだけ揺れたかは事故調が受け取った DFDR: Digital Flight Data Recorder を解析すれば明らかになることでしょう。
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T0609 BOPHA も発生 - 予報も難しく…


“マリア”“金星”を追いかけるように、本日、8月6日15時〔日本時間〕、日本の南、北緯22度00分、東経131度10分において、熱帯低気圧が2006年台風第9号[アジア名: BOPHA (ボーファ) アジア名通番15,命名国・地域:カンボジア,意味:花]になりました。


“花”の進路は未だ不確定要素が多いですが、他の台風(“マリア”“金星”)の影響が無視できないので、その進路については今後も目を離せない存在になりそうです。(今後の動向については 台風情報 で)




MTSAT-1R の各種衛星画像をみても、未だどれが支配的になるか、あるいは振り回されることなく3つが自己主張するのか、不透明です。



台風7、8、9号が発生 四国・九州に接近も (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース



2006年 8月 6日 (日) 19:37
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