*** reminiscences ***
since 17 JAN 2005

(since 17 AUG 2005)

Comair 5191/27AUG LEXATL CVR Transcription

 副操縦士の発した“That is weird with no lights.”((滑走路の)灯火も無くて変だな)。この言葉が最後で唯一の砦だったと思われます。

それに対して、機長は“Yeah. One-hundred knots.”(おぉ、(速度)100ノット)とだけ返答し、それ以上疑問をはさむことはありませんでした。

NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board (米国運輸安全委員会)が公表した CVR: Cockpit Voice Recorder の transcript をみる限り、Cockpit Crew は自分達は Runway 22 から離陸しているものと信じて疑っていなかったようです。

毎度掟破りの「たら・れば」ですが、離陸を担当した副操縦士が発した「変だな」の言葉に、機長・副操縦士が reject!! (離陸中断)を決意していたならば、機体は滑走路内で停止することは難しかったでしょうが、展開は変っていたかもしれません。

F/O: Set thrust, please.

Capt: Thrust set.

F/O: That is weird with no lights.

Capt: Yeah. One-hundred knots.

F/O: Checks.

Capt: V-one rotate. Whoa.

(6:06:33) Sound of impact, unintelligible exclamation.

離陸パワーにセットして滑走を開始して2秒後に「That is weird with no lights.」と言っていたのに....。



以下、trascript の一部を原文のまま引用します。

Capt: It's amazing though right now. They are using everybody pretty efficiently. Um, just shows you what they can do. Like I mean I don't have more than 10 hours in a hotel, any of these days that I've been on.

F/O: Really.

Capt: And it's been that way for all month. Now September rolls around, and I'll guarantee you it'll be a different story.

F/O: I guess, when I'm, I'm deciding on making a major decision, if it doesn't feel right in my gut. Or if I don't have a little voice, if it starts talking to me, and I'm like I need to re-evaluate.

Capt: Yeah.

F/O: You know it'd be nice to go over there and fly heavy metal, fly international, but they work you hard over there (JFK) I've been told.

F/O: I'll take us to Atlanta.

Capt: Sure.

F/O: Right seat flex takeoff procedures off of um ... he said what runway? One of 'em. Two four.

Capt: It's two two.

Capt: Both kids were sick though, they, well they all got colds. It was an interesting dinner last night.

F/O: Really.

Capt: Huh, oh gosh.

F/O: How old are they?

Capt: Three months and two years old. Who was sneezing, either nose wiped, diaper change. I mean that's all we did all night long.

F/O: Oh yeah, I'm sure.

F/O: Set thrust, please.

Capt: Thrust set.

F/O: That is weird with no lights.

Capt: Yeah. One-hundred knots.

F/O: Checks.

Capt: V-one rotate. Whoa.

(6:06:33) Sound of impact, unintelligible exclamation.

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