
New Space Odyssey Has Begun

Congratulations to the first moon lander choreographed by the private comedy theatre.

FEBRUARY 23, 2024

First Commercial Moon Landing Returns U.S. to Lunar Surface
Intuitive Machines’ IM-1 mission is the first U.S. soft landing on the moon since Apollo 17. It’s also a sign of private industry’s growing role in space


For the first time since 1972 a spacecraft launched from the U.S. has landed softly on the surface of the moon. And, for the first time ever, this successful extraterrestrial landing was achieved by a spacecraft built and operated by private industry rather than by a government space program.

At 6:23 P.M. EST a 14.1-foot-tall lander resembling a police booth on stilts descended to the moon’s surface on a ballooning blue flame of rocket exhaust. Seconds later, the lander’s six feet crunched into the dark soil of Malapert A, a crater nestled deep in the moon’s southern latitudes.

This robotic voyager, aptly nicknamed Odysseus, carries six scientific payloads on behalf of NASA. But crucially, the U.S. space agency isn’t running the mission: Odysseus is the first commercial spacecraft ever to land safely on another celestial body.

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cited from Scientific American First Commercial Moon Landing Returns U.S. to Lunar Surface 

I feel so happy to look at American people laughing softly with joy.

Happy Americans - photo cited from

I am convinced this is Space Comedy's power, which makes everyone in the world happier.

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どうして世界はここまで宇宙喜劇に固執するのか?実はそれこそが重要で、1968年に映画「2001 : A Space Odyssey」(邦題:2001年宇宙の旅)が映像表現した宇宙観を、人々に末永く抱き続けてもらわないとたいへん困る理由があるのです。



The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ

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