

徒然草 第百四十三段

2022年03月15日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/15)

2022年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
28361.real deal(本物)without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
Shohei Ohtani is the real deal. He's going to have a breakout year! 
28362.legit(ホンモノ) honest and not trying to deceive people/ legal or allowed by official rules
Uber is legit. I use it all the time. 
28363.show someone a good time((人に)楽しい思いをさせる)
Thanks for showing me an amazing time. It was an unforgettable experience. 
28364.get mad at someone(~を叱る)
I got mad at my son for lying. 
28365.yell at someone(~を怒鳴りつける)behaving calmly and not seeming interested in anything or worried about anything
I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/14)

2022年03月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
28356.go up to someoene(~に近づく)
I went up to a random person at the train station and asked for directions.  
28357.speak one's mind(本音を言う)
I never know what he's thinking because he never speaks his mind
28358.feel free(ご遠慮なく)spoken used to tell someone that they can do something if they want to
Please feel free to hold it to see the details. 
28359.It comes with the territory.(これも仕事のうち)
It comes with the territory when you run a business. 
28360.garbled(不明瞭な、文字化けした)a garbled statement or report is very unclear and confusing 類義語 confused
I couldn't read your email because the characters were garbled

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/13)

2022年03月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
28351.scallop(ホタテ貝)a small sea creature that you can eat, with a flat round shell made of two parts that fit together
I peeled off the shell of the scallop. 
28352.succulent(汁の多い、水気の多い)juicy and good to eat
The chicken was golden and crispy on the outside and juicy and succulent inside 
28353.mouth-watering(よだれの出そうな、うまそうな、誘うような)food that is mouth-watering looks or smells extremely good
The waitress came round with a tray of mouth-watering cream cakes. 
28354.garnish(料理のつけ合わせ、つま、装飾物、飾り物)a small amount of food such as salad or fruit that you place on food to decorate it 
Serve the fish with a garnish of lemon. 
28355.sear((…を)焼く、焦がす、(高熱で)さっと焼く)to burn something with a sudden powerful heat/to cook the outside of a piece of meat quickly at a high temperature, in order to keep its juices in
If you sear the outside of the meat, you get rid of any other bacteria. 


2022年03月12日 | 読書日記
いま面白い! 現代落語家ガイド
比べてわかる! 落語家・落語界

すぐわかる! 落語の歴史



Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/12)

2022年03月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
28346.be terrible with(~が苦手)
I'm terrible with computer.
28347.time-consuming(時間がかかる)taking a long time to do
Preparing a meal is more time-comsuming than eating it.  
28348.key player(中心的な存在、重要な人物)to sit or lie outside in the sun, especially in order to become brown
He’s actually one of the key player here.. 
28349.the right person(その仕事に適任な人)
She seems like the right person for the job.
28350.dinosaur(恐竜)one of a group of reptiles that lived millions of years ago
This museum has a good dinosaur exhibition. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/11)

2022年03月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
28341.inadvertently (不注意で、うっかり)without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
I inadvertently opened an infected email attachment. 
28342.Where can I find(~はどこにですか?、〜の売り場はどこですか?)
Yeah, I'm looking for a vacuum. Where can I find it? 
28343.pan out(うまくいく / 報われる / 功を奏する )to happen or develop in a particular way
If everything pans out, the new product should launch next month. 
28344.come along(順調に進む)
It's coming along. I should be done by next week. 
28345.nonchalant(むとんちゃくな、無関心な)behaving calmly and not seeming interested in anything or worried about anything
He always has a nonchalant attitude. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/10)

2022年03月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
+Sorry, I totally mixed up the time. 
28337.take a hint(空気を読む)land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water
Once we start cleaning up, everyone should take the hint and start heading home.
28338.in a roundabout way(遠回しに) 
It’s hard to understand him because he talks in a roundabout way. 
28339.weigh in(意見を述べる)a large bird with a long tail, often shot for food, or the meat of this bird 
Does anybody want to weigh in on this? 
28340.put it (down) on my calendar(その日を予定に入れておく)
She's coming to Tokyo on April 15th? Let me put that on my calendar so I don't forget. 


2022年03月09日 | 爺英語

Canada's prime minister is taking the unprecedented step of invoking emergency powers to quash COVID-19 protests.  Demonstrators have occupied streets and highways for weeks, at times paralyzing international trade.
Justin Trudeau will grant special temporary powers to help bring protests to an end. He aims to more easily punish rule breakers and cut off their access to funds.
(Justin Trudeau / Canadian Prime Minister)
"We'll always defend the rights of Canadians to peaceful assembly and to freedom of expression, but these blockades are illegal, and if you're still participating, the time to go home is now."
Trudeau called the move a "last resort" to keep the nation safe and secure.
Protests erupted across Canada after the government required cross-border truck drivers to be vaccinated.

unprecedented  先例のない、かつてない never having happened before, or never having happened so much 
 quash(反乱や暴動を)鎮める、抑えこむ   to say or do something to stop something from continuing 
 paralyze   まひさせる、しびれさせる  if something paralyses you, it makes you lose the ability to move part or all of your body, or to feel it 
blockade (道路や港湾などの)封鎖    the surrounding of an area by soldiers or ships to stop people or supplies entering or leaving 
 vaccinate ワクチン接種をする   to protect a person or animal from a disease by giving them a vaccine 類義語 immunize 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/09)

2022年03月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
28331.eat like a bird(少食である)
Of course she’s so skinny, she eats like a bird! 
28332.eat like a horse(大食いである)
You're going to eat a pizza too? You eat like a horse!   
28333.eat like a pig(ガツガツ食べる)to sit or lie outside in the sun, especially in order to become brown
You're such a messy eater. You eat like a pig. You're so disgusting. . 
28334.stuck in(〜に挟まっている)
I’m stuck in traffic and I’m going to be about 15 minutes late. 
I got a weird vibe from her. 

徒然草 第百四十二段

2022年03月08日 | 徒然草を読む





ならば救済とは何か? 国を治める人が調子に乗るのを止め、豪遊も止め、国民を慈しみ、農業を奨励すればよい。それが、労働者の希望になることは疑う余地もない。着る物も食べる物も間に合っている境遇で献金活動などをしているとしたら、そいつは本当の悪人だと言ってよろしい。 


Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/08)

2022年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
28326.in the middle of nowhere(人里はるか離れたところに、人里離れた)a long way from the nearest big town
My cousin lives on a farm out in the middle of nowhere, so I hardly ever visit her.
28327.the rest is story(話の続き、その後はご承知の通り)informal used to say that everyone knows the rest of a story you have been telling
She said yes, and the rest is story.  
28328.power outage(比較的規模の小さい停電)a period of time when there is no electricity supply 類義語 power failure, power cut British English
 Play was delayed for two hours by a power outage
28329.blackout(停電)a period of darkness caused by a failure of the electricity supply 類義語 power cut 
We were really scared during the blackout.
28330.strand(座礁させる、立ち往生させる、行き詰まらせるa person or vehicle that is stranded is unable to move from the place where they are 類義語 stuck
The strike left hundreds of thousands of commuters stranded.