

Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/13)

2019年06月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
23581.lime green(黄緑) a light yellowish green colour 
The window frames had been painted lime green approximately seventy-four years ago. 
23582.light blue (水色)
That light blue, vertically‐striped blouse looks nice on her.
23583.beige(ベージュ)a pale brown colour 
She stained the wall beige.
23584.turn sour informal if a relationship or plan turns or goes sour, it becomes less enjoyable, pleasant, or satisfactory 
Any relationship can turn sour quite quickly
23585.over and over(何度も何度も)
I am tired of doing the same thing over and over again.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/12)

2019年06月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
23576.shame(恥ずかしい思い、残念なこと)the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarrassed because you, or someone who is close to you, have done something wrong 
She hide her face in shame..
23577.humiliate (自尊心を傷つける、恥をかかせる)to make someone feel ashamed or stupid, especially when other people are present SYN embarrass 
I don't want to humiliate him by saying such a thing.
23578.awkward(気まずい、ぎこちない) making you feel embarrassed so that you are not sure what to do or say SYN difficult 
Calling my girlfriend "Mom" was my most awkward moment.
23579.insult(侮辱する、辱める)to offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude 
She insulted him and they got into a huge fight..
23580.throw in (おまけする)to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price 
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free. 

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2019年06月11日 | 論語を読む

子張(しちょう)、孔子に問いて曰わく、何如(いか)なれば斯れ以て政(まつりごと)に従うべき。子曰わく、五美を尊び四悪を屏(しりぞ)ければ、斯れ以て政に従うべし。子張が曰わく、何をか五美と謂(い)う。子曰わく、君子、恵して費(つい)えず、労して怨みず、欲して貪(むさぼ)らず、泰(ゆたか)にして驕(おご)らず、威にして猛(たけ)からず。子張が曰わく、何をか恵して費えずと謂う。子曰わく、民の利とする所に因りてこれを利す、斯れ亦(また)恵して費えざるにあらずや。其の労すべきを択(えら)んでこれを労す、又(また)誰をか怨みん。仁を欲して仁を得たり、又焉(なに)をか貪らん。君子は衆寡と無く、小大と無く、敢て慢(あなど)ること無し、斯れ亦泰にして驕らざるにあらずや。君子は其の衣冠を正しくし、其の瞻視(せんし)を尊くして儼然(げんぜん)たり、人望みてこれを畏(おそ)る、斯れ亦威にして猛からざるにあらずや。子張が曰わく、何をか四悪と謂う。子曰わく、教えずして殺す、これを虐(ぎゃく)と謂う。戒めずして成るを視る、これを暴と謂う。令を慢(ゆる)くして期を致す、これを賊と謂う。猶(ひと)しく人に与うるに出内(すいとう)の吝(やぶさ)かな る、これを有司と謂う。

「"恩恵を人々に施すにあたって無駄はしない。" とはどういう事でしょうか?」
「教育も施さずに死刑にする、これを "残虐" と言う。指導もせずに人々に成果を出させようとする、これを "乱暴" と言う。いいかげんな規則を与えながら厳しく取り締まる、これを "国を害する賊" と言う。人々に施しをするのに出し惜しみをする、これを "役人根性" と言う。」

Zi Zhang asked, "How can I engage in politics?" Confucius replied, "If you value five virtues and avoid four vices, you can engage in politics." Zi Zhang asked, "What are five virtues?" Confucius replied, "A gentleman must give the people benefit without waste. He must not make the people have a grudge even if he uses them. He must not devour even if he craves. He must not be arrogant but calm. He must not be violent but dignified." Zi Zhang asked, "What does 'give the people benefit without waste' mean?" Confucius replied, "To give the people benefit that they want is not waste. People do not have a grudge if they agree to labor. If you got benevolence as you wished, why do you need to devour other things? A gentleman never despises the people because of their wealth and poverty, high and low. So he can be calm without being arrogant. A gentleman wears full dress precisely and behaves solemnly. And people stand in awe of him. So he can be dignified without being violent." Zi Zhang asked, "What are four vices?" Confucius replied, "It is cruel to execute the people without education. It is violent to demand outcome without advice. It is harmful to be strict without precise orders. It is officialism to be stingy with charity for the people."

全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。

Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/11)

2019年06月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
23571.come to mind(思いつく、心に浮かぶ) if something comes or springs to mind, you suddenly or immediately think of it 
Sorry. Nothing comes to mind at the moment.
23572.come (ついてくる)
This laptop comes with a leather case.
23573.thick makeup(厚化粧 )
Her thick makeup is disgusting.
23574.fold(折る)to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc by laying or pressing one part over another 
I will show you how to fold a T-shirt .
23575.wind(巻く)probably dishonest or illegal,protected from the sun or producing shade 
Wind the colorful string around the jar

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/10)

2019年06月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
23566.novel((よい意味で)新しい、新奇な、奇抜な ) not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting 
What a novel concept..
23567.change of scene (目新しさ、状況の変化、場の転換)
They are shared offices that are popular with freelancers, small companies and other people who want a change of scene
23568.hollowing out(空洞化)
The industry is seeing a hollowing-out in terms of restaurants in the middle of the market..
23569.be hit hard by (~によって大きな打撃を受ける)
They're  being hit hard by more people buying prepared food at places like convenience stores and food trucks.
23570.be out of job(失業して)
Now we need to  work even harder, or we could  be out of job.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/09)

2019年06月09日 | Daily Vocabulary

23561.rent and utility(賃借料と公共料金)
The fall in traffic and increasing labor costs have forced restaurant operators to raise their price to cover costs like rent and utilities.
23562.dine out (外食する)formal to eat dinner in a restaurant or in someone else’s house → eat out 
That means dining out is becoming more expensive.
23563.grim(いかめしい、厳格な、怖い、恐ろしい、冷酷な、残忍な、ぞっとするような、不愉快な、いやな、厳然たる) looking or sounding very serious 
The police officers were silent and grim-faced. 
23564.patronize((…を)保護する、後援する、奨励する、ひいきにする、恩着せがましくする)to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you formal  
to use or visit a shop, restaurant etc 
That explains why the quality of service has been declining at some of the dining establishment I patronize.
I read an articles the other day about restaurant in San Francisco that can't afford to hire waitstaff.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News



2019年06月08日 | 読書日記




◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆
1973年、新潟県生まれ。阪急コミュニケーションズ(元、TBSブリタニカ)勤務を経て、イギリスの出版社ブルームズベリーにインターン勤務の後、フリーランスの編集者・ライターに。The Jane Goodall Institute Japan理事。




Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/08)

2019年06月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
23556.undertaking(事業、仕事) an important job, piece of work, or activity that you are responsible for 
That sounds like quite a major undertaking.
23557.volatile (揮発する、揮発性の、移り気な、気まぐれな、激しやすい、変わりやすい、不安定な )a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly and without warning OPP stable 
Everyone knows how risky and volatile the restaurant business is.
23558.lose one's shirt(無一文になる)
Not a few people have lost their shirts when trying to make a  go of it in entirely competitive field.
23559.harsh(厳しい)harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable SYN severe  severe, cruel, or unkind harsh criticism/treatment/punishment etc 
That's the harsh reality, sad to say.
23560.outstrip(上回る)to do something better than someone else or be more successful  to be greater in quantity than something else 
So it's case of supply outstripping demand.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/07)

2019年06月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
23551.utilize(利用する、役立てる) formal to use something for a particular purpose 
I'm looking for a job where I can utilize my skills
23552.rewarding (やりがいのある、満足感のある)making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something useful or important, even if you do not earn much money → satisfying, worthwhile 
This is a rewarding job.
23553.straightforward(簡単な、直接的な)simple and easy to understand OPP complicated 
This question has no straightforward answer.
23554.controversial(物議をかもす、論争の的になる)causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed 
He deleted his controversial post
23555.chaos(無秩序、大混乱)a situation in which everything is happening in a confused way and nothing is organized or arranged in order 
Our house is in chaos since welcoming a poppy.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/06/06)

2019年06月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
23546.spell(おまじない、じゅ文) a piece of magic that someone does, or the special words or ceremonies used in doing it 
My magical spell turned the rat yellow..
23547.relieve (和らげる、楽にする)to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings → relief 
this medicine relieves runny nose and sore throat.
Could you tell me when he will be back?
23549.tremendous(モノスゴイ、巨大な) very big, fast, powerful etc 
He made a tremendous effort  to reduce costs.
23550.exhaust(使い尽くす、へとへとに疲れさせる)to make someone feel extremely tired   to use all of something SYN use up 
You've exhausted my patience.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News



2019年06月05日 | 爺英語

Google has reportedly suspended some of its dealings with China's Huawei Technologies. The move comes in the wake of a decision by the U.S. to blacklist Huawei and its affiliates.
Reuters reports that the Chinese company will lose access to updates to Google's Android operating system. The report says future versions of Huawei's smartphones will not have access to apps like the Google Play Store, Gmail, and YouTube, potentially damaging the brand's global appeal to consumers. But it says current Huawei smartphones should still be able to update any Google apps.
Last week, the U.S. Commerce Department banned American companies from selling electronics components to Huawei without government approval. The Trump administration cited national security concerns. But the move is widely seen as an escalation of the U.S. trade dispute with China.
The ban is expected to make it hard for Huawei to procure electronics components made by American companies.
in the wake of ~の結果として      if something, especially something bad, happens in the wake of an event, it happens afterwards and usually as a result of it 
cite引き合いに出す   to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation   
procure 調達する       to obtain something, especially something that is difficult to get