テネシーワルツ パティ・ペイジ 聴き比べ
23551.utilize(利用する、役立てる) formal to use something for a particular purpose
I'm looking for a job where I can utilize my skills
23552.rewarding (やりがいのある、満足感のある)making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something useful or important, even if you do not earn much money → satisfying, worthwhile
This is a rewarding job.
23553.straightforward(簡単な、直接的な)simple and easy to understand OPP complicated
This question has no straightforward answer.
23554.controversial(物議をかもす、論争の的になる)causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed
He deleted his controversial post
23555.chaos(無秩序、大混乱)a situation in which everything is happening in a confused way and nothing is organized or arranged in order
Our house is in chaos since welcoming a poppy.
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