

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/23)

2024年03月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32036.hang on (決める、定める)used to ask or tell someone to wait 類義語 hold on 
Hang on a minute. There's  something I need to say before we continue
32037.make sense (意味を成す、道理にかなう)to have a clear meaning and be easy to understand 
To me, living close to  downtown make sense. How do you see it? 
32038.before you go any further(あなたがこれ以上進む前に)
Before you go any further, I have a small suggestion.
32039.conifer (針葉樹)a tree such as a pine or fir that has leaves like needles and produces brown cones that contain seeds. Most types of conifer keep their leaves in winter. 
Pine tree are common conifer in Japan. 
32040.deciduous(落葉性の )deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter OPP evergreen 
When the leaves start returning to deciduous trees, you know spring has arrived. 

