

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/26)

2024年06月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32506.thinks highly of (~を高く評価する / 〜を尊重する )
Absolutely. Many students think highly of him. 
32507.get/bring the best out of (最大限に活用する / (人)から最高のものを引き出す )
He’s a great boss. He brings out the best in every employee. 
32508.tag(鬼ごっこ)a children’s game in which one player chases and tries to touch the others 
 Do you know how to play tag?
32509.hide and seek  (かくれんぼ)a children’s game in which one player shuts their eyes while the others hide, and then goes to look for them 
 Do you know how to play hide and seek?  
32510.red light, green light (だるまさんが転んだ)a game played by children in which one child stands a few metres away from the other players with his or her back to them. The other players try to get nearer to him or her, but they are only allowed to move forward when the child says ‘green light’ and must stop moving forward when he or she says ‘red light’ and turns round quickly to try and see anyone who is still moving. If the child sees someone moving, they have to go back to the beginning again. The winner is the first player to reach the child without being seen to move. 
Let’s play red  light, green light?. 

