

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/25)

2024年06月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32501.I could have sworn (確かに~のはずだ )
 I could have sworn I sent you the invitation. Maybe it’s in your junk mail. 
32502.heads-up (事前に~を知らせる ) a warning that something may happen 
I wanted to give you a heads-up that I’m going on a business trip next week. 
32503.regimented (厳格に管理された )to organize and control people firmly and usually too strictly
 I’ve been sticking to a regimented daily routine for the past five years. 
32504.sleep in  (遅くまで寝ている、ゆっくり寝る  )to let yourself sleep later than usual in the morning 
 I like to sleep in on my days off. 
32505.fair enough  (いいよ、なるほど )especially British English used to say that you agree with someone’s suggestion or that something seems reasonable 類義語 OK 
If you want to work alone on this project, fair enough

