


2024年06月19日 | 爺英語

Visitors to a riverside garden near Tokyo enjoyed an old-fashioned wedding ceremony procession on a boat amid irises in full bloom. The Suigo Itako Iris Festival is being held in Itako City in Ibaraki Prefecture. The revived tradition has become a highlight of the annual festival. On Saturday, a boat carrying a bride set out as visitors watching from the riverside applauded. The area is surrounded by lakes and rivers where boats were once used as a daily form of transportation. Until the 1960s, brides in white wedding kimonos could be seen in rowboats heading to meet their bridegrooms.
(Visitor) “The ceremony was so beautiful. I was moved to tears.”
(Miyamoto Michiko / Bride) “It was a valuable experience that so many people congratulated us. It was a very happy day.”

procession 行列、行進   
highlight 呼び物、目玉   
be moved to tears by ~に感動して涙が出る

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/19)

2024年06月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
32471.get split up(はぐれる) to divide people into different groups, or to be divided into groups 
If we get split up, let's meet up here at four
32472.get dark(暗くなる ) if someone tells you something, they communicate information, a story, their feelings etc to you  
Let's go home before it gets dark.
32473.Are you gonna be OK?(大丈夫そうですか)
 Are you gonna be OK?. 
32474.bio break  (トイレ休憩 )American English informal a period of time when you stop working in order to go to the toilet 
 Would you like to take a bio break at this rest stop?  
32475.potty (おまる)a container used by very young children as a toilet 
Do you need to go potty