

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/21)

2024年06月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32481.nuanced(微妙な)a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc → subtlety 
It seems we need a nuanced approach for each region to maximize our success. 
32482.from my understanding(私の理解では) 
From my understanding, the training will be conducted online 
32483.now and again(時折、たまには )sometimes, but not often or regularly 
 Try to stay positive. Everyone loses a match now and again.
32484.distracted  (気が散って )anxious and unable to think clearly 
 You seem distracted. Is there something on your mind.  
32485.go sour (うまくいかなくなる、駄目になる)
But that dream went sour.