


2015年05月14日 | 爺英語

A Japanese education ministry panel is adding more references about the country's territory in new textbooks to be used in junior high schools. The panel wants to reflect the government's view of sovereignty over the Senkaku and Takeshima islands.
The panel on Monday finished screening more than 100 textbooks to be used next April. The process was based on instruction manuals released last year. They say textbooks must clearly state that the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea and the Takeshima Islands in the Sea of Japan are the country's inherent territory.
As a result, all 20 social studies texts to be used next year mention the two sets of islands as instructed. The materials refer to Japan's territory more than twice as much as current textbooks. Local boards of education plan to decide by the end of August which to use at schools.

panel  審議会
references  言及すること
sovereignty  主権
screening  検定、検査
boards of education  教育委員会

Daily Vocabulary(2015/05/14)

2015年05月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
The food was unappetizing.
16382.don't care for(~が苦手です)
I don't care for red meat
The broccolis was overcooked.
No、thanks. I have indigestion.
The mashed potatoes were gooey.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
