

Daily Vocabulary(2010/11/25)

2010年11月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
10296.go south(暴落する、失敗する)
The stock market went south after the shocking news.
10297.go out to(~に心が引かれる、~に同情する、~を可哀そうだと思う)
My heart went out to you. Your mother was a wonderful person.
10298.go all out(全力を尽くす、総力を上げる、本気を出す)
Since it wa Tom's last day, we went all out and made it the most memorable day for him.
10299.go up(上昇する、値上がりする)
Gasolin price had gone way up ,but it's come down.
10300.go off(出掛ける、出発する、立ち去る)
Where Tom and Susie going off to?
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