


2013-03-01 09:12:57 | Telegraph (UK)

EU 'Troika' rule in Ireland worse than British Empire
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Dublin
Telegraph: 6:19AM GMT 28 Feb 2013
Ireland's trade union chief has accused the EU-IMF troika in charge of Irish austerity policies of tipping the economy into downward spiral and acting as an imperial oppressor.


"The Troika has done more damage to Ireland than Britain ever did in 800 years," said David Begg, head of the Irish Confederation of Trade Unions.


Mr Begg said the image of Ireland as the poster-child of EU recovery was a myth culitivated by EU creditors whose only interest is to recoup their money.


"At least the IMF officials are willing to admit they have been wrong but the EU officials are total ideologues."


"It is like being in an awful World War One conflict where the generals have expended a million lives to gain one yard of ground, yet nothing will change their mind in face of all the evidence."


The trade unions say internal consumption has collapsed by 26pc, and investment has fallen to the lowest level in recorded Irish history. Under-employment has reached 23pc despite emigration to Canada, Australia, the US and Britain. "The austerity has to stop. People feel they are drowning," he said.


The outburst comes a day after Irish unions reached a provisional deal with the government for a further round of public sector pay cuts averaging 5.5pc, rising to 10pc for higher earners such as doctors. This follows 14pc pay cuts already in force.


The grim picture is starkly at odds with a optimistic review by finance minister Michael Noonan, who told foreign journalists that exports are booming and the country is on track to return to full market access by the end of the year, becoming the first state to exit its EU-IMF Troika rescue progamme.


"We are very nearly at the end of our journey. We have re-engineered the country to be a modern competitive economy, we have succeeded," he said.


Mr Noonan brushed aside concerns that Italy's political crisis could lead to contagion in Ireland, saying the 16 basis point jump in spreads on Irish 10-year debt over the past two days was the sort of volatility you could see in any week.


He played down concerns about the slide in sterling against the euro, saying the Irish economy is now strong enough to withstand the exchange rate shock even though Britain accounts for a fifth of the country's exports.


"We don't see a problem for sterling at present levels. We have cut costs right through the economy with an internal devaluation of 15pc or 16pc and we are now highly competitive. We can take it," he said.


Mr Noonan demanded that Europe's leaders honour their agreement to stand behind the Irish banking system, offering a compromise deal that would help cut the country's sovereign debt but also limit the risk for eurozone creditors.


He denied claims that Germany, Finland and The Netherlands had walked away from an EU summit pledge to let the eurozone bail-out fund (ESM) recapitalise crippled banks in order to break the "vicious circle" between the financial system and sovereign states.


"Chancellor Angela Merkel has never said so," he said, suggesting that the finance ministers of the three creditor states had gone beyond their authority by ruling out use of the ESM to cover of all residual assets - a neuralgic issue in both Ireland and Spain.


Mr Noonan said Ireland does not expect the ESM to take over the "legacy assets" of dead banks such as Anglo-Irish, which accounted for the lion's share of losses that pushed the country into the arms of the Troika.


However, he insisted that the door was open for action on "retrospective assets" of banks that are still operating and are part-owned by the state. "Nobody has resiled from this and we expect the agreement to be fulfilled. We have put €28bn into the trading banks, though we wouldn't expect to get it all back," he said.

とはいえ、今も営業中で一部国有化された銀行の「Retrospective Assets」について何かする余地はあるから、と言い張りました。

Any deal would cut the headline figure on Ireland's sovereign debt, already 120pc of GDP and close to levels where debt dynamics can escape control if there are further shocks.


Mr Noonan said the banks are "the best capitalised in Europe" with large buffers to cope with future loses, reducing the risk of any losses for the ESM.


Irish officials admitted privately that losses from mortgage arrears are likely to exceed provisions and that more capital made by needed once the central bank carries out a stress test in the Autumn.


"The AAA creditors in Europe are understandably concerned after all we have seen over the last five years, with banks turning into a black hole and losses popping up everytwhere. Of course they don't want to pour their money into this," said one official.


Irish home prices have crashed by roughly 50pc. Lenders have been disguising the damage, stretching out mortgage repayments rather the foreclosing on bad loans and crystallising losses.



