


2017-10-22 13:14:06 | Telegraph (UK)
A surging dollar under Trump poses biggest threat to global economy, BlackRock boss warns
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in davos
Telegraph: 20 JANUARY 2017 • 1:34PM
The surging dollar poses the biggest single threat to the global economy and will be extremely difficult to manage under the incoming Trump presidency, the world's largest investment fund has warned.


Larry Fink, head of the $4 trillion giant BlackRock, said sweeping plans for tax cuts and fiscal stimulus in the US were already causing markets to price in a monetary squeeze by the Federal Reserve, potentially driving an upward spiral in the dollar. "It's going to be very hard to navigate," he told the World Economic Forum in Davos.


One worry is that the stronger dollar undermines the competitiveness of core US manufacturers, the very sector that Donald Trump has vowed to promote. This will make it even more likely that he will turn to trade warfare, or seek to pressure the Fed into weakening the dollar by delaying rate rises. "There is going to be great tension with the Fed over these issues," he said.


The other is that ballooning fiscal deficits could draw in a flood of foreign capital and yet more US dependence on powerful creditors in Asia, leading to a combustible situation if diplomatic relations deteriorate.


"Our biggest lender is Japan and our second biggest is China, and I think we need to be paying quite a bit of attention to this. You should always be nice to your lenders," he said.


While the world can handle a strong dollar for a while, the effect is to drain liquidity from an international financial system that is more dollarised than ever before, and to force banks in Europe and the Far East to contract dollar lending through the effects of complex hedging derivatives.


Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, said in Davos that concerns are mounting over the ability of some countries in Africa to meet payments on their dollar debts. Much the same applies to Latin America, and parts of Eastern Europe, and Asia.


For now, the world is recovering from the downturn of early 2016 and the US is entering a veritable boom. Mr Fink said America needs to spend $2 trillion to catch up with "deferred maintenance" of basic infrastructure. The prospect that this will finally be addressed under the Trump White House is already fueling an explosive rally in construction equities.


Contrary to the elite view in Davos, he said the voter shocks in the UK and US last year were positive events that had restored the animal spirits of small business and consumers. "We're seeing growth all over the world. I do believe that Brexit and Donald Trump have had an immediate impact," he said.


"Families feel their voice has changed policy. They feel encouraged and they are spending more money. In the US this is quite evident in car sales," he said. Sales of light vehicles surged to an annual rate of 18.4m in December, smashing all records and catching economists by surprise.


Haruhiko Kuroda, the Bank of Japan's governor, echoed the mood of optimism, saying Japan will grow at rates far above potential in 2017 and 2018, and the country may finally win the battle against deflation. "I see a 'white swan' event. There may be 'upside risks' in the US economy this year and next year," he said.


Mrs Lagarde said the IMF was in the welcome position of not having to revise down its growth figures for the first time in several years, but ultimately the future all depends on whether Mr Trump pulls the trigger on a trade conflict. If he does, IMF estimates suggest that the damage will outweigh any of the gains from his fiscal stimulus.


"If we have a race to the bottom on the tax front, on the trade front, on regulations, for me that really is a 'black swan', and there will be devastating effects," she said.



