


2012-07-02 12:23:08 | Telegraph (UK)
Angela Merkel isn't bluffing; like everyone else in Europe, she's defending national sovereignty
By Jeremy Warner, Associate editor
Telegraph: 6:32PM BST 27 Jun 2012
You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning. No, not Mrs Thatcher, but Angela Merkel, the latest big beast of the European political scene to dig her heels in and refuse to go along with the international consensus.


No, no, no, she says, to any solution to the eurozone crisis that looks like debt pooling, as if echoing the words of Britain's former prime minister all those years ago on the perils of monetary union.


The German Chancellor is bluffing, and doesn't really mean it, the markets reply, but if this is indeed only a game of poker, she's certainly got nerves of steel. There will be no joint and several guarantees for euro area debt "as long as I live", she told a private meeting of German MPs this week. If that's bluff, then it's one from which politically she'll struggle to escape.


The parallels with Britain's own iron lady are striking, though obviously not exact. Mrs Thatcher pledged to use the British veto to block monetary union. I'm going to stand on the track and stop that train, she said. So she stood on the track and was duly run over by the EMU locomotive.


Looking at the mess into which the eurozone has since descended, many Europeans must wish she had succeeded, but it was not to be. With Mrs Thatcher disposed of, Britain instead negotiated an opt out from a project it believed itself powerless to stop.


Might Merkel suffer the same fate? There are key differences. Mrs Thatcher's stance was a principled, and as it turns out, far sighted attempt to save Europe from self inflicted disaster.


Mrs Merkel's stand is as much about domestic politics as anything else; there's an election coming next year, and to commit Germany, whatever its responsibilities to the rest of Europe and its own key role in creating this crisis, to anything that smells of Eurobonds would very likely lose it for her.


Politics are getting in the way of solutions. Outsiders find this hard to understand. Put a big enough sum of money on the table, Americans are prone to argue, and the crisis will go away. Why's that so difficult? In any debt crisis, the creditor always ends up paying, however unpalatable it might seem.


Eurobonds, a fully fledged banking union, European Central Bank bond buying or some such other route to debt pooling, offer a relatively straight forward way of achieving the requisite degree of burden sharing. Why can't the Germans realise this, or indeed that the likely alternative, a disorderly break-up, will cost them a great deal more?


It's because, German policymakers wearily explain, there must first be adequate rules and controls in place to stop misuse of the German credit card. Fiscal and political union must occur first before there can be debt mutualisation.


Unfortunately, such a union is a ten to twenty year project, even if once proud sovereign seats of government were willing to see themselves reduced to the role of local authority or colonial administration.


The euro doesn't have that sort of time, nor do the eurozone's 17 members appear at all willing to cede sovereignty. It would be to credit Mrs Thatcher with super human powers of prediction to say she foresaw all this in its every particular, but she wasn't far off, as indeed were a number of other British politicians and commentators at the time.


Take this extraordinarily prescient observation by the radical economist Wynne Godley, penned as early as 1992. "It needs to be emphasised at the start that the establishment of a single currency in the EC would indeed bring to an end the sovereignty of its component nations and their power to take independent action on major issues…I sympathise with those (like Margaret Thatcher) who, faced with the loss of sovereignty wish to get off the EMU train altogether. I also sympathise with those who seek integration under the jurisdiction of some federal constitution with a federal budget very much larger than that of the Community budget.


"What I find totally baffling is the position of those who are aiming for economic and monetary union without the creation of new political institutions (apart from a new central bank), and who raise their hands in horror at the words "federal" or "federalism"."


Twenty years later, these basic flaws in monetary union are there for all to see, cruelly and devastatingly exposed by the financial crisis. Yet still Europe wishes to cling to national sovereignties.


Many in markets continue to believe that Germany is engaged only in a game of brinkmanship, that what Mrs Merkel is doing is attempting to extract the maximum possible from reluctant nations in terms of fiscal discipline and centralised control before she gives way and agrees the sort of things necessary to save the euro.


Well, perhaps, but actually what it looks like is a Germany as determined to defend its own fiscal sovereignty from those who would invade it as everyone else. Even now, with outright catastrophe just around the corner, Europe is not yet ready for federalism.


Every time he opens his mouth these days, Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, seems to become more apocalyptic in his view of the future. This may not be altogether wise in a central banker, and it is certainly deeply resented by many of his European counterparts. But he is actually only speaking the truth.


This week he told the Commons Treasury Committee "that I don't think we are yet halfway through [the crisis]", adding; "My estimate of how long it will take to recover is expanding all the time."


More quantitative easing is now a done deal, as are attempts further to ease credit conditions by reducing bank liquidity requirements.


Against this backdrop, the UK Chancellor's decision to delay the scheduled increase in fuel duty is entirely correct, even if the timing, on the very day that Ed Balls called for it, continues to look bizarre. Yet the point scoring of the Westminster village shouldn't concern us here. U-turns of this sort are always going to be embarrassing. They also contribute to a growing perception of government disarray and incompetence.


However, sticking resolutely to plan for the sake of appearances shouldn't be allowed to get in the way of doing the right thing. Europe's inability to solve its problems is forcing everyone to rethink their strategies. A collapse in demand emanating from the eurzone may soon force the Government into further, selective tax cuts, next time possibly unfunded in nature. Mercifully, the UK still has the ability to influence its economic destiny. Many Europeans can only wish they had retained the same flexibility.



