★北河内路上通信-the Voice of VoICelESs on roadsides in EastOsaka


*An Injury to One is an Injury to All!*

2006-08-30 17:56:35 | 野宿者支援
>>>URGENT message from osaka, japanese islands.<<<

>>>=-*An Injury to One is an Injury to All!*-=<<<
it's time to resist to a fuckin' terrible fascist city authorities!
and defend the homeless communities in osaka right now!!
only stupid boring bastards help o$$aKKKa silly authorities!!!
*do the protests or send tons of protests to the fascist city now!*

Comrades & Affinities;

saluton from osaka, japnese islands. by the way, at least since last
week, one of famous tent villages in osaka has been faced to some nasty
actions by osaka city authorities. homeless comrades living in ougimachi
park & homeless liberation activists in osaka tried to reform their HQ
tent on this tent village since 2 weeks ago. then, park officers came
and warned the tent villagers to stop trying to reform the HQ tent.(see also: http://kamapat.seesaa.net/article/22954941.html ) this
HQ tent built by homeless comrades living in north-ward of osaka city
has been in ougimachi tent village since at least the end of December
2000. and also, a lot of homeless comrades have been living as a common
living space on this tent for at least 6 years, further, this HQ tent
has used as a base for an effort of night defense against the attackers
for at least 6 years. the effort has made a safety on every night of
this park for at least 6 years.(on the year's end of 2000 and on the
early January of 2001, attackers set fire to the HQ tent. however, the
HQ tent rebuilt by great unbelievable efforts of villagers and homeless
liberation activists of "Association of Kamagasaki-patrol for mutual aid
& self-defense" soon. it was like a phoenix. see also a report about a
terrible insident on the year's end of 2000:
http://www.geocities.co.jp/WallStreet/9279/houka000119.html ) why do the
city authorities/police eager to get rid of this tent?
or why do the city authorities/police eager to remove all of tents/huts
in this park? THEY(bastards!) must thank the villagers as the
safe-guards of this park!
anyway, the city authorities/polizei will carry out to destroy/remove
the HQ tent in ougimachi park on 31 Aug-1 Sep 2006. of course, tent
villagers and homeless comrades living other areas of osaka, and also
homeless liberation activists will try to defend the HQ tent and
ougimachi tent village. because, even losing 1 tent will be fatal damage
to us. so, if you will be able to do the protests to the osaka city
authorities/some japanese officials on your areas, the actions will be
so helpful for us! if you will do the protest or if you will send a
protest message to o$$aKKKa city, please send a report/your e-message
to: kamapat@infoseek.jp
and also BCC to: rebel_factory(no scum!)riseup.net
only "stop doing your barbarous actions to our comrades in ougimachi
park tent village right now!" is OK!
following are OUR AIMING POINTs of the evil branch of o$$aKKKa city and
so on...:

Mr.junichi seki
Mayor of Osaka City
1-3-20, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka-si, Japan
Fax: +81-6-6202-6950

city north district Park Office
TEL:+81-6-6312-8121 FAX:+81-6-6312-3403
1-1-21, ougimachi, kita-ward, osaka-city, japanese islands

Fax: +81-6-6943-6877
3-11, Osakajyo, Chuou-ku, Osaka-si, Japan

City of Osaka Chicago Office
c/o JETRO Chicago
401 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 660
Chicago, Illinois
60611 USA
Tel: 1-(312)832-6002
Fax: 1-(312)832-6066

City of Osaka Dusseldorf Office
c/o JETRO Dusseldorf
Konigsallee 58
40212 Dusseldorf
Tel: 49-(211)1360241
Fax: 49-(211)326411

City of Osaka Singapore Office
5 Shenton Way
#37-01 UIC Building
Singapore 068808
Republic of Singapore
Tel: (65)6220-8588
Fax: (65)6224-9980

Bureau de Representation
de la Ville d'Osaka a Paris
29, rue des Pyramides
75001 Paris
Tel: 33-(1)4015-9366
Fax: 33-(1)4015-9172

City of Osaka Shanghai Office
Room 407, Shanghai International
Trade Center
2200 Yan An Road West
Shanghai, China
Tel: 86-(21)6275-1982
Fax: 86-(21)6275-1983

any protest actions to osaKKKa city will be welcome!(please send your
report about your protest to us.)

RICHES is RIGHT! No pasaran!!!
thanx. in solidarity.(*)
