★北河内路上通信-the Voice of VoICelESs on roadsides in EastOsaka


FW: *decentralized days of action

2008-02-29 10:42:46 | Weblog
decentralized days of action for squats and autonomous spaces

call for articles

We are gathering articles written by individuals / collectives of autonomous projects from everywhere. The articles will be uploaded and translated on the homepage of april2008. There people can select,download and compile them into D.I.Y. newspapers.

Some practicalities…

Send the articles in plain text format (preferably not pdf format). Send your articles to april2008-zine AT squat.net or post them on the wiki.

The deadline is now (as soon as possible!) so that people have time to make the zine s to spread during the action days.

You can write in your mother tongue and in other preferable languages. Translations will and can be made on the wiki. We would like people to help translating to have as many translations of each article as possible.

If you send photos: high quality jpeg (high resolution). Please, not so many at a time.

We hope to see a DIVERSITY OF ARTICLES. One aim is to include other places than the one´s who usually always gets the attention. We would like it if you try to be critical to your own squats. Some questions which we hope will interest you as much as they interest us:

How do you feel that things have changed lately, how are times changing and effecting your project?

How is it connected to social movements?

History of squatting in your region? Everything from housing, local community, national politics, to the EU. Everything from houses, wagenburgs, to land squatting..
How are personal structures, and feelings building up and revolutionizing yourself…

If you want to MAKE A FANZINE. Download the articles you like, makewhatever style you like and when you´ve finished your april2008newspaper, you can (scan and) e-mail it back to us, so that we can upload it for others to see, to print and to spread.

original call

On Friday the 11th and Saturday the 12th of April 2008, we call for two days of demonstration, direct action, public information, street-party, squatting… in defence of free spaces and for an anti-capitalist popular culture.Through these two days, we want to help create more visibility of autonomous spaces and squats as a european/global political movement. We want to develop interconnections and solidarity between squats and autonomous spaces. We want to keep linking our spaces with new people and new struggles, and support the creation of autonomous spaces in places where there has not been a history of this kind of action. We want to build, step by step, our ability to overcome the wave of repression falling on us.

We call for decentralised and autonomous actions of all kinds, depending on what people feel to be the most appropriate to their local context. You’ll find below the political content we wish to give to these two days.
We are everywhere…

For centuries, people have used squats and autonomous spaces, either urban or rural, to take control of their own lives. They are a tool, a tactic, a practice, and a way for people to live out their struggles. For decades, squat movements across Europe and beyond have fought capitalist development, contributing to local struggles against destruction; providing alternatives to profit-making and consumer culture; running social centres and participatory activities outside of the mainstream economy. Demonstrating the possibilities for self-organising without hierarchy; creating international networks of exchange and solidarity. These networks have changed many lives, breaking out of social control and providing free spaces where people can live outside the norm.

Among other things, these places provide bases for meetings and projects, for the creation and distribution of subversive culture, for the non-monetary based exchange of goods, resources and knowledge, for experimentating with new ways of living, for collective debates, for recycling and construction, for agricultural activities, for the production of independant media.

Whether we speak of urban squats or of purchased land, of negotiated or re-appropriated rural land, of restored factories or self-built buildings, these spaces are refuges for rebels and outlaws, poor and homeless people, radical activists, illegal immigrants. Social centres are crucial to us as part of a movement for social change.
All over Europe, repressive agendas are being pushed by governments

They are attacking long-standing autonomous spaces such as the Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen, Koepi and Rigaer Stra?e in Berlin, EKH in Vienna and Les Tanneries in Dijon, squatted social centres in London and Amsterdam, Ifanet in Thessaloniki, etc. In France, squats have become a priority target for the police after the anti-CPE movement and the wave of actions and riots that happened during the presidential elections period. In Germany, many autonomous spaces have been searched and attacked before the G8 summit. In Geneva and Barcelona, two old and big squatting “fortresses”, the authorities have decided to try to put an end to the movement. Whereas it is still possible to occupy empty buildings in some countries, it has already become a crime in some others. In the countryside, access to land is becoming harder and communes face increasing problems from legislation on hygiene, security and gentrification by the bourgeoisie and tourists. All over Europe, independent cultures are being threatened.

Several months ago we saw running battles in the streets of Copenhagen and actions everywhere in Europe in an explosion of anger at the eviction of the Ungdomshuset social centre. Since then, and with a few other big resistance stories that happened over the last months, we’ve managed to renew the meaning of international solidarity.

We are motivated by the same passions, we feel the same determination, face a common enemy in repression, and are united across borders by our desire to build a world of equality and self-determination. As unaligned and ungovernable islands of uncontrolled freedom we want to continue to act in solidarity, and strengthen our international links, no matter how many kilometres there are between us.
Issues beyond the actions

We also would like these days of actions to enable and inspire discussion, to demonstrate various possibilities & strategies, to be an occasion to share skills. These are some of the issues we would like to push:
? what do we expect from and understand by autonomous spaces? What is their r?le in the pursuit of radical social change? Where do they lie on the scale of’alternative’ to ‘confrontational’?
? share information on the range of activities that take place in autonomous social spaces along with ideas for how to make them work; question the production of goods and services; and encourage the exchange of knowledge particularly between the town and the countryside.
? share experiences, inspire each other, find out how others live collectively, and their activities, alternative economic exchange systems…
? share various ways of getting spaces all over europe: illegal occupations, Do It Yourself constructions, wagenburgs, buying collectively, free contracts…
? share practical resources and a feeling of solidarity between:
? different users of autonomous spaces (either current or potential): co-operatives, people without papers, activists, travellers, immigrants, urbanites, rural dwellers, small farms;
? different ways of using spaces; activities for the community, meeting area for groups, living spaces;
? enable the forming of common strategies when faced with state repression or eviction;
Who are we, how can we collaborate on this project, and make it happen?

We are a group of people involved with various autonomous spaces around Europe..


Click the links for




Preparation meeting

There was an international preparation & coordination meeting on November 24th & 25th 2007, in the autonomous space “Les Tanneries”, located in Dijon, France.
Getting in touch & helping out

Please get in touch, by writing to april2008 at squat dot net.

Any help with spreading info and making translations in whatever languages is greatly appreciated.

Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).


2008-02-26 13:30:05 | Weblog

 厳寒の風に雪の時折舞う日曜日、河内方面で高齢者特別就労組合の新規登録案内ビラを腐れ縁もあって配布することになった。河内では大阪市内だろうが釜ヶ崎だろうが、「あっても、知ってても、俺らには関係のないことや。来い来いいう奴らが出向いて来い」ということになるのだが、その辺を理解せずにごり押しする釜ヶ崎至上主義者や大阪市内でしか野宿者支援活動をやっていない支援者どもはいつも傲慢な態度で接していく。普段は缶を収奪するほかには河内になど興味もないくせに、こちらの状況など知らないくせに、大阪市内の論理でモノをいう事への自己批判が全くない勘違い野郎だから話にならないし我慢ならない。この地で頑張る野宿者が「釜ヶ崎? 何やそれ、あんな甘えたとこと一緒にすんな。こっちは全部自力や」という意味すら「釜ヶ崎差別者」なる一言で片づけられる事が多すぎて、もはや説きふせる気もない。


2008-02-24 01:44:19 | Weblog



2008-02-21 15:42:28 | Weblog



2008-02-18 01:48:17 | Weblog

★ネッカフェ転戦―a voice of netcafe surfer

2008-02-18 01:20:51 | Weblog
 河内の野宿の仲間と早朝からの日雇い仕事に備えて、幾つかの行きつけの内の一つのネッカフェに今夜も休息の場を得た。「仕事前に野宿はキツイ。それにたまにはゆっくり休みたい」というこの野宿の仲間の声はもっともだ。なにぶん、日雇い仕事がない日はダンボール囲いで建造物のひさしに深夜に間借りして早朝には何事もなかったかのように引き払うのが転場者の作法と当人は心得ている上に、普段は厳寒の中で実質数時間も横になって寝られないのだから。今夜のスペースは2畳もないとはいえ暖房付のフラット個室。横のいびきは酷くても値段を除いては暖かいし上等上等と上機嫌なのも当然だろう。漫画を読む習慣のない筆者には実感はないが、漫画好きなのに普段は読めない本人にとっては寸暇を惜しんでも読みたいものもあるようで、休息を選ぶか漫画を読むかの"to be or not to be..."に悩まされることもあるという。
 朝になれば厳寒の現場で仕事。地獄の季節の一節ではないが、「・・・嗚呼、時よ来い」そして明日の夜よ、こんにちは。 ともかく、今日の日には惜しみなく、さよなら。

*a nightmare at a park on 14 feb 2003.

2008-02-14 01:29:40 | 野宿者支援
do you remember a nightmare for 11 homeless persons at hanahakukinen-tsurumiryokuchi park on the morning of 14 feb 2003?
from that day, 5 years passed by... comrade_M and i went to that park on the afternoon, and heard from some homeless persons living in that park about the nightmare: about 30 teenagers with iron bars suddenly attacked & smashed 11 homeless persons. some of 11 got heavy damage, others were injured. some homeless persons being able to run away from the nightmare telefoned to the police, then, medias picked and spread about that fuckin' nightmare.
on this cold night(0 degree), i could get a tiny space for some sleeping at a netcafe...however, also on this night, many places of the roadsides/parks in osaka, especialy in eastern suburbs, many homeless persons are sleeping without any room...
anyway, on 5:00 of this morning, i must go my working place. so, i have to sleep right now. thanx.

★あちら 建国、こちら滅国

2008-02-11 05:37:32 | Weblog
★あちら 建国、こちら滅国
 九州の方から遠征してきたとかいう暴れ者で田舎者の神武一派が勝手に国をつくったとか・・・ほんならその前から住んではった人らはどうしはりましたん? 皆、はた迷惑なソイツにはさぞかし迷惑しはったやろな
 迷惑ばっかりかける国の誕生日を祝うやて? 頭大丈夫か? 早よ滅びてくれるよう、”かしこみ、かしこみ、まおすーぅ”や
 え? 何やて? 建国記念の日(神武節)を祝いましょうやてか?
 スメラギノミコト、イヤサカいうくらいやったら先ず今日の飯をまともに食えるようにさせてくれじゃ、おまえら喰わして何で喰わんと辛抱せんなあかんねん? 飢えるべきはお偉方や役人どもや
 ええじゃないか、ええじゃないか、マヤカシだらけの支配なんかのうなりゃええじゃないか(lyric by hikokumin)


2008-02-10 11:53:41 | 野宿者支援



2008-02-05 00:34:50 | Weblog

