★北河内路上通信-the Voice of VoICelESs on roadsides in EastOsaka


Comrades and Affinities of Abroad

2005-10-29 05:05:24 | 野宿者支援
Comrades and Affinities of Abroad;

saluton from osaka, japnese islands!
we are the "Executive Committee of a solidarity action by the
poor/have-nots on 6 Nov 2005".
today, our sisters & brothers living in all over the world continue to
against the injustices and poverty on this society of "faked peace".
also in japanese islands, evils laugh at all of the poor/have-nots...
so, we would love to show our solidarity by our actual actions.
in osaka, there are over 10,000 homeless comrades living
in many public spaces(parks/riversides/roadsides...etc). also, osaka has
many populations
of korean/chinese people...and migrants of other areas of the world.
osaka has many kinds of other minorities too.
most of them are the have-nots/poor in this islands of the far east.
we, the have-nots/poor in osaka, will try to walk along with the
living in other areas of the world.
a "solidarity gathering of the have-nots/poor on 6 Nov 2005" is a
"trial" of
making a kind of a loose popular front in this city and suburbs.
anyway, we will try to declare the solidarity for all of the
if you will be able to send a solidarity message for our comrades,
please e-mail us
by 31 Oct 2005: rebel_factory@riseup.net any solidarity msgs are welcome
by our comrades
in osaka and suburbs.
if the poor/have-nots will unite, WE WILL NEVER DREAD ANY TYRANTS/TYRANNY!
Vi venkos!(you will win.) Ni venkos!!(we will win.) NO PASARAN!!! thanx.
in solidarity.(rebel_JILL/ a comrade of working poor)

PS) on 3 Nov 2005 in tokyo, have-nots/poor comrades will hold a
gathering too. of course,
we will declare the solidarity to our comrades in tokyo.