


2014-01-24 14:43:39 | 日記

There have been many who have fallen sick with influenza this week. We strongly urge you to open windows to circulate air this weekend are well as having plently of rest. Also, we kindly ask you to wash your hands and gargle often. Thank you for your cooperation.


Nesta semana tivemos muitos casos de influenza.Pedimos que neste final de semana abram as janelas regularmente para que possa circular bem o ar.Tambem pedimos que facam gargarejo e lavem bem as maos sempre.Agradecemos por sua cooperacao. 


2014-01-21 14:25:24 | 日記

The number of people sick with influenza has greatly increased.

We ask your cooperation in gargling

and washing you hands when at home as well.

When out in public please be careful to take of yourselves.




O numero de pessoas com Influenza aumentou consideravelmente.

Pedimos sua cooperacao em fazer gargarejo e lavar

as maos sempre que voltar a casa.

Quando estiver em local publico procure proteger-se.


2014-01-17 15:37:24 | 日記

The 3rd and 4th graders went on a skate field trip.

 Thorough the skate coach's guidance they greatly improved

by the time they came back.





2014-01-14 14:23:40 | 日記

The 5th and 6th graders went on a skiing field trip. The good weather made for perfect ski conditions. There weren't any injuries and every one came home came back a little better at skiing.


 A 5 e 6 serie participou de um estudo em campo de esqui.O bom tempo criou condicoes perfeitas para esquiar.Nao houve nenhum acidente ou contratempo e todos voltaram para casa sabendo esquiar um pouco melhor.



2014-01-09 14:42:16 | 日記

Another new year has arrived and the third trimester has finally begun.

Each grade's year is about to come to an end as well.

We hope that the students have made many goals

and are motivated to do their best.




Mais um ano novo chegou e o terceiro trimestre finalmente comecou.

A cada ano e sobre comecar a terminar bem.

Desejamos que os alunos tenham feito muitas metas e que estejam

motivados a fazer o seu melhor.