【Tokyo Metropolitan Government】
⇒ まず分けて要素分解する。
① 『前都知事は豪華な海外出張』
前都知事は、the former governor of Tokyo, the ex-govenor of Tokyo でよい。具体名でもよい。 Mr. ~was a governor before Ms. Koike 等。
豪華な海外出張とは? 豪華であるとはluxurious 等あるが、よく考えると、なぜこの件が非難を浴びるのかというと予算をかけすぎだからである。お金の問題である。よって豪華=高いとなり expensive が使える。
・go on a business trip.
・go to ~ on business. 等の言い方がある。
・go to other countries.
・go to foreign countries.
・go to the US or other European countries. (米国や欧州に行く)
・the ex-governor went to other countries.
・the former governor of Tokyo went to the US and other European countries.
もう少し『出張』のニュアンスを出したければ、具体的に『出張』において行う業務、行事等を付け加えるとよい。 知事は主に海外出張で何をするのか? 会議や向こうのリーダーと会談を行うことである(パレードも?)
・the ex-governor went to other countries and met leaders and had meetings.
諸々の知事としての業務を含んだ出張。その『出張』とは、簡単に考えると、A地点からB地点へ行くことであり、それは即ち『旅行』である。trip を使って、the trip was expensive. などとして、
・The ex-governor went to many foreign countries. And those trips were very very expensive.
It's tax money.(それって税金だぞ) も補足すれば尚よいだろう。
・He went on an extravagant business trip overseas.と難しく言うのもいいが、自分の言える範囲で言うという努力も必要だ。
② 並びに政治資金の私的流用疑惑
並びには and でよい。
政治資金とは、元々税金である。国民のお金である。tax money でありyour money である。文字通りpolitical money もよい。公(おおやけ)のお金なので public money でもよいだろう。
・He used (public ) money to buy something for himself or his family.
・He used money to eat sushi with his family. And the money comes from the government. It's our tax money.
・He enjoyed sushi and says it's part of his job.
今回の『私的流用』とは、第三者の厳しい目をもってしても、必ずしも違法ではないにしろ、倫理的にはアウトである。その点をニュアンスとして含めれば『私的流用』のダメな感じが出るだろう。bad を使えばよい。
・He was a bad governor. As a politician he used (public) money to buy things for himself.
・He bought many things for him and his family and says the money was used for political activities.
③ 『疑惑』 とは?
maybe が使える。
・I hear (~だそうだ)
・They say (そう言われている)
・Newspapers say (新聞によると)
・(It) looks like (~のようだ)
等を付ければ 『疑い』の感じが出るだろう。
・Maybe he used public money to buy his things.
・Maybe he used political money for a private reason.
・They say he enjoyed sushi with his family and said it's part of political activities.
④ 『辞職に追い込まれる』
辞職はやめること。時事英語としては resign 等が使われる。他には、quit, や 去るので、leave や be gone、 等もある。
追い込まれるということは、自発的でなくて、そうせざるを得ないこと。have to を使って
・He had to resign.
・He had to leave his job as a governor.
・He had to quit.
・He had no choice but to leave his position as a governor.
・People were telling him to quit.
・Everybody was asking him to resign.
tell の方は命令に近い。ask はお願いするの意。
・People thought he should quit. So he left.
・People thought he should not stay as a governor.
・People thought he should not continue to be their governor. So he's gone.
・The ex-governor of Tokyo went to various places like the US and Europe, and those trips he made as a governor were really really expensive. He reportedly bought a lot of things for himself and his family and said these spendings were necessary for his job as a politician. People were really mad ( angry) and telling him to quit.
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