

Say NO! (Part 3 OF 3)

2015-03-20 17:10:47 | 海外留学・国際化・グローバル化


Say NO! (Part 3 OF 3)


If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:



"Happy New Year"

"Merange & Sabina"

"Beauty in Spa"

"Love @ e-reading"

"Troublesome Slang"


"World Family"

"Mari's Bagels"

"Love & Loyalty"

"Another Cinderella"

"Amazing Two-legged Pooch"

"Delusive Romance"

"Royal Couple"

"Life with Music"



"Glorious Summer"

"Biker Babe & Granny"

"Genetically Modified"



"Yellow Ball"

"Welcome Back"

"Forbidden Love"

"Merry X'Mas"

"Heaven with Mochi"

"Travel Expense Scandal"



"JAGEL Again"



Hi, I'm June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies by the end of this year.


"Actual Catalogue Page"

So far, he's watched 658 movies.

That is, he must see 343 more movies to accomplish his goal.

I'm particularly interested in Number 649 in the above list.

It is called "The Sawshank Redemption."



<iframe width="500" height="350" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6hB3S9bIaco?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kato jotted down his comment as follows:

This is a 1994 epic American drama written and directed by Frank Darabont.

Adapted from the Stephen King novella "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption", the film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Prison for the murder of his wife and her lover despite his claims of innocence.

During his time at the prison, he befriends a fellow inmate, Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding, and finds himself protected by the guards after the warden begins using him in his money laundering operation.

I think this is one of the greatest movies, in which you could feel, as if in realty, that maintaining one's feeling of self-worth is quite important even when placed in a hopeless position.


This film clearly shows how you can be free, even in prison, or unfree, even in freedom, based on one's outlook on life.

The above comment sounds quite interesting, doesn't it?

Why don't you see it?








『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』







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