

ネタニヤフ公判、偽イスラエル内戦、米国核技術密輸(2/3)/Netanyahu trial, Fake Israeli civil war, US nuke smuggling by Lekem

2020-10-05 00:10:00 | フェイク・イスラエル
   True posted date & time:2020/10/21 12:15>

    I changed posted date and time for my convenience.)

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 ネタニヤフ公判「Case 1000」
 Netanyahu trial,
  Fake Israeli civil war
   US nuclear technology smuggling by Lekem






   『[アンマン 23日 ロイター] - シリア軍は23日、同国南部、中部、東部にある複数の軍事基地がイスラエルの攻撃を受け、兵士2人が死亡したとし、反撃を行ったと明らかにした。

  以下、2020/07/27付・WEDGE Infinity「米大統領戦の前にイランの核施設をたたくイスラエル」より
  (以上、2020/07/27付・WEDGE Infinity「米大統領戦の前にイランの核施設をたたくイスラエル」より)

   『[アンマン 20日 ロイター] - シリア空軍は20日、イスラエルが首都ダマスカス上空を「侵略」したため迎撃したと発表した。


  以下、2020/07/28付・AFP BB NEWS日本「イスラエル、ヒズボラの越境攻撃阻止と発表」より
   『【7月27日 AFP】(更新、写真追加)イスラエルは27日、北部の対レバノン国境で越境攻撃を試みた同国のイスラム教シーア派(Shiite)組織ヒズボラ(Hezbollah)の武装集団を撃退したと発表した。ヒズボラは関与を否定している。
   イスラエルの発表によると、現場では同国軍部隊と武装集団との間で銃撃戦が起きた。ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ(Benjamin Netanyahu)首相はテレビ演説で、「ヒズボラの細胞がきょう、イスラエル領土に侵入した」と表明。同国軍が「攻撃の試み」を阻止したと述べた。
   イスラエル軍によれば、同国とレバノン、シリアの3か国が領有権を主張するドブ山(Mount Dov)地帯で3~5人の武装集団がブルーライン(停戦ライン)を越えたため、イスラエル軍側が攻撃を行い、銃撃戦に発展。武装集団はレバノンに退却したとされる。
  (以上、2020/07/28付・AFP BB NEWS日本「イスラエル、ヒズボラの越境攻撃阻止と発表」より)

   『[ベイルート 28日 ロイター] - レバノンのディアブ首相は28日、イスラエルが国境で軍事行動をエスカレートさせ、レバノンの主権を侵していると指摘し、警戒を呼び掛けた。

 更に、米国のユダヤ人、反シオニズム 偽イスラエルへの批判という外圧。


YouTube: Is Israel a normal state?

  「Interview with Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss from Neturei Karta International by Shehab News Agency, on May 6, 2020.」

  以下、2020/06/08付・ParsToday日本「米の反人種差別デモ パレスチナ国旗を手にした参加者」より

  (以上、2020/06/08付・ParsToday日本「米の反人種差別デモ パレスチナ国旗を手にした参加者」より)


 次の引用文献によると、アメリカでジョージフロイドの死とそれに続くブラック・ライブ・マタ―(Black Lives Matter:BLM)の抗議デモに対し、数千の組織がSNSを利用して支持し来た。
 その中には、800人のユダヤ教のラビ、130のユダヤ人組織、米国の「米国イスラエル公共問題委員会(AIPAC)」、そして「ユダヤ名誉毀損防止同盟(Anti-Defamation League:ADL)」も含まれ、BLMに賛同し連帯を示して来たという。
 これらユダヤ人、またユダヤ団体の多くが、パレスチナに於けるアパルトヘイトを無視しており、米国最大のユダヤ団体ADLの発祥母体である「ブナイ・ブリス(בני ברית, B'nai Brith)」は、「ブナイブリスは選択的寛容を促進する」と言う。黒人差別を批判しながら、同時にパレスチナ人を差別し、偽イスラエルがパレスチナ人を虐げている事については無視したり、寛容であったりと、御都合主義である事を指摘する。

 主なユダヤ団体の収益を見ると、ADLが2017年に8,300万ドル、ブナイ・ブリスが2018年に800万ドル、「ユダヤ人コミュニティ関連評議会(Jewish Community Relations Council :JCRC)」が2018年9月期に270万ドル、「北米ユダヤ連盟(Jewish Federations of North America:JFNA)」が2018年に2億6,300万ドル等となっている。以上は偽イスラエル占領国に偏向した考えを持っているが、2019年4月期の収益が3,900万ドルの「American Jewish World Service(AJWS))」は別の見方をしているという。

 「改革派ユダヤ教連合 (Union for Reform Judaism)」や保守的なラビの国際協会である「ラビ会議 (Rabbinical Assembly)」は、ガザからテルアビブに向けて発射されるミサイルが、偽イスラエル占領軍に対する「抵抗」行為であるにも関わらず、パレスチナ人達の「抑圧された人々を悪魔化」しているという。
 また、進歩的なユダヤ教の復興主義ラビ協会(Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association:RRA)」は「適切な軌道に乗っている」という。

 しかし、ユダヤ団体の中にはパレスチナ人の権利を尊重しているものも存在し、「IfNotNow」はヨルダン川西岸地区とガザ地区のイスラエルによる占領に反対するアメリカのユダヤ人進歩主義活動家グループで、他に「全米ユダヤ人女性評議会(The National Council of Jewish Women:NCJW)」等も在る。


  以下、2020/06/25付・Mint Press News「Selective Tolerance: AIPAC and its Pro-Apartheid Ilk Come to Bat for Black Lives Matter」より

   「Israeli protesters hold signs and shout slogans during a protest to decry the killing of George Floyd in front of the U.S. Embassy Branch Office, in Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2, 2020. Ariel Schalit | AP」

   「In the wake of George Floyd’s death and the protest movement that followed, thousands of organizations have taken to social media, expressing their support for Black lives and the right to protest injustice. Among those jumping on the bandwagon were 130 Jewish organizations, 800 rabbis, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
   But talk is cheap. Several Israeli and Jewish human rights groups have called out AIPAC and others for their duplicity.
   +972 Mag – an independent, nonprofit website run by Israeli and Palestinian journalists – recently posted an article entitled, “U.S. Jews are standing up for Black lives. Why aren’t we doing so for Palestinians?” The article boldly declared,
   “[T]here is a glaring problem with the way many mainstream American Jewish organizations are responding to this critical moment: they have not applied the same values-based approach to Palestinian rights and Israeli state violence as they do to U.S. police violence. Because of this inconsistency, the responses of many Jewish groups to the current events in the United States seem hollow at best, and self-serving at worst…For many, this dissonance makes it harder to take Jewish commitments to racial justice in the U.S. seriously, while the same groups strenuously work to uphold similar systems of oppression in Palestine-Israel.
   It is essential that we speak out with equal zeal and righteous indignation against Israeli state violence and for justice for Palestinians.
   IfNotNow, a Jewish organization that supports many (but not all) Palestinian rights, chided AIPAC for claiming solidarity with the Black community: “At what point in time was AIPAC ever committed to equality, freedom, or justice?” (AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is one of the major Israel advocacy organizations in the U.S.)
   “At what point in time was AIPAC ever committed to equality, freedom, or justice?@AIPAC was too busy dehumanizing Palestinians and their allies all these decades to care about that.
   P.S. the cowards at AIPAC couldn’t even manage to say #BlacklivesMatter https://t.co/eJ9kYCbVbS
   — IfNotNow🔥 (@IfNotNowOrg) June 8, 2020
   ADL, JCRC ignore apartheid
   For example, two dozen of the signatory organizations are branches of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL – $83 million in revenue in 2017), which actively and relentlessly advocates for Israel, has not endorsed Black Lives Matter because in 2016 that organization took a stand calling for justice for Palestinians. Yet ADL says of itself, ……
   Another umbrella organization with over 30 signatories on the solidarity letter is the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC – $2.7 million in revenue FYE 9/2018). JCRC branches are notorious for advocating for Israel and protesting when talks about Palestinian rights are presented. ……
   According to its website, JFNA “has helped millions of immigrants move to Israel and start new lives” (see above for how this affects Palestinians). This endeavor is based on the Israeli “Law of Return.” ……
   JFNA also supports Israel through the Ethiopian National Project, an effort to assist with settling Ethiopian immigrants, and helping “thousands of Ethiopian-Israeli students achieve the Israeli dream.”
   But for many immigrants of color, the “Israeli dream” is a nightmare. In early 2018, most of the estimated 38,000 Eritrean, Sudanese, and Ethiopian “infiltrators” (refugees and asylum seekers) in Israel were slated for deportation – the Justice Minister explaining on Facebook, “Israel is too small and has its own problems. It cannot serve as the employment agency for the African continent.”
   However, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, over 1.5 million Russians – a huge percentage of them not even Jewish – as well as 750,000 Jews from other European countries, have successfully emigrated to Israel. ……
   The Israeli policy renders invisible the 750,000 Palestinians displaced from their ancestral homes in 1948 in order to create the State of Israel, and the millions that now live destitute in refugee camps.
   B’nai B’rith promotes selective tolerance
   B’nai B’rith ($8 million revenue in 2018) calls itself “the global voice of the Jewish community,” and claims to work for the advancement of human rights, tolerance, and peace around the world. The organization released a statement in the wake of George Floyd’s death, including:
   ”B’nai B’rith cherishes the right to assembly, one of the cornerstones of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and respects the legal right of protesters to honor the memory of Mr. Floyd and to call out the injustices by Minneapolis police.”
   However, the organization has taken the opposite stand regarding Palestinians’ right to protest the injustices of Israeli policies. B’nai B’rith contradicts both its own viewpoint and that of the George Floyd solidarity statement, which declares, “Protests are a just response to all-too-familiar anger, frustration, and pain” (emphasis added).   
   Reconstructionists on the right track
   The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association (RRA) is a professional association of over 300 Reconstructionist rabbis.
   RRA voiced its support for H.R.2407, Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children (read about this legislation here).
   RRA criticized the “Deal of the Century” – the Trump Peace Plan (read a critique of it here) – which was created without Palestinian input; does not include a hoped-for “end to Israel’s role as an occupying power”; and would result in a Palestinian state “in a Swiss cheese-like territory…dotted by Israeli settlements.” ……
   National Council of Jewish Women – a courageous stand
   The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) defines its mission as “striv[ing] for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families, and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.”
   While the group advocates for Israel, NCJW also consistently shows some comprehension of the Palestinian experience of injustice and oppression by Israel – and the courage to speak out.……」
  (以上、2020/06/25付・Mint Press News「Selective Tolerance: AIPAC and its Pro-Apartheid Ilk Come to Bat for Black Lives Matter」より)

 2020/06/17付・Mint Press News「The Murders of Floyd and Halak Exposed the US and Israel as Settler-Colonial Enterprises
                The systemic oppression faced by blacks and Palestinians in the United States and Israel is indicative of a deeply rooted racism rarely found in true democracies.」

The Murders of Floyd and Halak Exposed the US and Israel as Settler-Colonial Enterprises

As the murders of Floyd and Halak demonstrated, The US and Israel suff...

MintPress News


 2020/06/11付・Iranian(Middle East Monitor)「AIPAC: US officials can criticise Israel annexation plans, ‘as long as it stops there’」

AIPAC: US officials can criticise Israel annexation plans, ‘as long as it stops there’ | The Iranian

The leading pro-Israel lobby group within the United States has given ...

The Iranian


 2016/09/22付・Mint Press News「What You Need To Know About Jews And Israel」

YouTube: What You Need to Know About Jews

YouTube: Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon slams Bernie Sanders (Again) for calling Netanyahu a 'racist'

 2020/05/31付・Veterans Today:「Zionists have feelings too, as do Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Jews」

YouTube: Jews burn Israeli Flag in New York City


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