

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/25)

2024年05月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32346.omit(省略する)to not include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget to do it 類義語 leave out 
Is there any reason you've omitted the details surrounding current assets on the balance sheet.
32347.add up (数字が合う)to calculate the total of several numbers 
The budget and actual expenses doesn't  add up
32348.gravity(重大さ、容易ならぬこと、(罪・病気などの)容易ならぬこと、重さ、まじめさ、真剣さ、厳粛、沈着、地球引力、重力 )the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation 
I recognize the gravity of the situation.
32349.miscalculation  (計算違い)a mistake made in deciding how long something will take to do, how much money you will need etc 
 I’m hopeful it might just be a miscalculation. 
32350.ekeep ~updated  (~に適宜知らせる)
That's very kind ,Kaoru. I'll keep you updated on the developments

