

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/30)

2024年03月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32071.look over (ざっと目を通す)to examine something or someone quickly, without paying much attention to detail 
Look over your answers before you turn in your test.
32072.perspective (味方、観点)a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences → viewpoint 
Becoming a teacher gave me a new prospective on the learning process . 
32073.think better of(考え直してやめる、見直す)to not do something that you had planned to do, because you realize that it is not a good idea 
I was going to call my ex-girlfriend, but I think better of.
32074.rise up (立ち上がる、湧き上がる)
Do you think robots will rise up against humans someday? 
32075.uprising(暴動、反乱)an attempt by a group of people to change the government, laws etc in an area or country 類義語 rebellion 
The president went into hiding as the uprising gained momentum. 

