

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/25)

2024年03月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32046.Nowadays  (最近は)now, compared with what happened in the past 類義語 today 
Nowadays, it is more common for people to shop online than to go to physical stores. 
32047.reasonable  (妥当な)fair and sensible OPP unreasonable / fairly good, but not especially good 類義語 average 
Your idea sounds reasonable. Let’s give it a try. 
32048.skyrocketing (急激に上昇する )if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly 
Gas prices are skyrocketing. Maybe it’s time for me to get an EV. 
32049.I mean  (つまり、だって ) used when explaining or giving an example of something, or when pausing to think about what you are going to say next /used to quickly correct something you have just said 
I love Japan. I mean everyone is friendly and the food is amazing 
32050.Have a hard time (〜に苦労する )to have a lot of problems or bad experiences 
I’m having a hard time adjusting to my new job.