


2024年03月13日 | 爺英語

Major Japanese trading house Sumitomo is set to introduce new container technology that keeps perishable food fresh for a longer time.
The innovation is timely, as many shipping firms are taking lengthy diversions to avoid the Red Sea due to attacks on vessels.
The technology creates an electric field inside temperature-controlled containers.
That causes water molecules in the food to move and slows down the process of decay.
Sumitomo says transportation times can be doubled or even tripled for many foodstuffs.
Sumitomo plans to tie up with Hong Kong-based shipping firm Orient Overseas Container Line for the world's first commercial application of the technology.
The Japanese company also says the service can help curb rising shipping costs.

perishable  腐りやすい、傷みやすい、日持ちのしない  
molecule 分子
commercial application  商業的応用、商用化 
curb (上昇を)抑制する、抑える 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/13)

2024年03月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
31986.germ (細菌、病原菌)a very small living thing that can make you ill → bacteria 
Cover your mouth when you cough so that you don't spread germ.
31987.contagious (伝染性の)a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person by touch → infectious 
Norovirus is extremely contagious.. 
31988.epidemic(病気の流行、蔓延)a large number of cases of a disease that happen at the same time → pandemic 
A flu epidemic has hit the area.
31989.immunity (免疫、免除)the state of being immune to a disease 
Stress can hurt your immunity to increase. 
31990.seedy(みすぼらしい、いかがわしい)a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc 
The seedy world of illegal gambling is something I never want to get involve in.