

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/03)

2024年03月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
31936.crystal clear (透明な、非常に明瞭な)very clearly stated and easy to understand 
The crystal clear water at Vocab Beach was tunning.
31937.chit-chat (おしゃべり)conversation about things that are not very important 
I had a little chit-chat with Chihiro on the way back from the store.. 
31938.itty-bitty(ちっちゃな、ちっぽけな)very small – used humorously 
It took me forever to find the itty-bitty button to close the ad.
31939.smooth sailing (順風満帆)one of two children born at the same time to the same mother 
The match wasn't all smooth sailing, but Max came out on top. 
31940.come to light(明るみに出る)if new information comes to light, it becomes known 
If this secret comes to light, I'll be so embarrassed.